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Morning everyone! Headed out to work. Have a look at the Kindsoil growbattle thread!! Folks are getting their grow on and it will not disappoint!! Going to be a battle of epic proportion!
Have a great day stoners!:smokeout:
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Just been made aware of the MasterSeeds cup which is open to all Spanish residents aged 18 or over, entry is €9.95 for a 7 seed pack from any of the participating grow shops that seem to be just about all over the country, with cash prizes available to the winners in 5 different cup categories, is the outdoor edition so outdoor only grows for this one, but they do run a indoor cup coming into the start of winter.

@Mossy @Yozhik @mephisto tagged in some other members in Spain that i could think of off the top of my head, lets see of we can get a AFN member winning the auto cup or even the audiovisual one with the photo skills on show round these parts ;)

Official info in Yerba magazine (only available in Spanish)
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Aye arty..I'm with you on the lemon thyme..I cut both types yesterday..I was making French onion soup....:chef:...beef/brown stock..tons of caramelised sweet onions and a big handful of thyme.


but I just used the ordinary..wasn't sure how the lemon would affect the taste...:thumbsup:..and I didn't want to spoil it.

Breaking for a joint and smelling the thyme/diesel on my hands while smoking made me Wonder if anyone else tried it.

One Not to try with the bud is Chilli.. :doh:..don't Ask..seeds dropping through the dehydrator onto bud...:fire:..Woof..that clears your lungs out.....:nono:

Lemon thyme apparently goes well with pork and chicken (the lighter meats)

For Beef & Lamb I go with common or garden thyme.

Cottage pie for me has to have loads of thyme and Worcestershire sauce ( the Worcs sauce has to be from Lea & Perrins from the Black country it's the best and I got fam there too)!

My ultimate Cottage pie is made with rump steak and sliced very, very fine & as close to mince as you can slice it but it still has texture.
I don't eat spuds anymore so it's slice sweet potatoes sliced cooked till soft and then on a baking sheet liberally sprinkled with strong or oak smoked cheddar served with runner beans top with a knob of butter!:glutton:

I have a few Belfast/butlers sinks in my garden with thyme in them with gravel/stone on top of the soil, I never water them and never feed them and they keep going, they like it tough.

I prefer compact thyme to trailing (prone/prostrate) thyme but if I had the land it would be everywhere and all varieties and maybe even some lemon thyme if I had to lol

On a totally different tip here is a site you may like all about lavender -
Morning everyone! Headed out to work. Have a look at the Kindsoil growbattle thread!! Folks are getting their grow on and it will not disappoint!! Going to be a battle of epic proportion!
Have a great day stoners!:smokeout:
View attachment 563227
:coffee: It is Definitely time to give it a whirl.
IMO..terpenes are our cannabis med Selection.
You will know by your Nose which Meds will Hit the Spot for you..Before you smoke them..I Know I Do...
it make sense to try other herbs that fit in the same terp profile for a synergistic effect.

I Love Linalool based canna meds and without realising I was also attracted to the herbs and flowers that carry the most linalool.


What you trying to say arty...?...just coz I Talk to Dragons...:dragon4:..doesn't make me a Witch....Much...View attachment 563199

Really?? Methinks a flower Witch possibly , Hocus Crocus, bubble and boil, Mossy's making some essential oil (and some RSO too) or something like that
Corriander, Lavender & Bergamot are good sources of Linanool from the garden.

*High Linalool Cannabis Strains: G-13, Amnesia Haze, Lavender, LA Confidential

*Note: Not every batch of any given strain will have high levels of these terpenes as they are subjected to variable growing conditions. The only way to be sure is through a lab’s terpene analysis.


Many are familiar with the major cannabinoids found in cannabis, such as THCand CBD, which have such great efficacy for conditions like depression, PTSD, and epilepsy. But cannabinoids are only part of the picture. Terpenes are like molecular cousins to cannabinoids and serve the primary role of delivering a wide variety of alluring aromas to cannabis flowers, but also offer a wide range of medicinal benefits as well.

In addition to aroma, terpenes deliver sometimes great medicinal value. They have been found to fight cancer and act as an analgesic (pain killer). Like amino acids, terpenes are powerful building blocks within the plant’s physiology that aid in the production of vitamins, hormones, pigments, resins, and — yes, that most prized part of the herb — cannabinoids. Cannabis plants release more terpenes when temperatures are higher (one reason they emit strong odors during the peak of harvest season).

Understanding Terpenes
More than 200 terpenes are available in the cannabis plant, while more than 20,000 exist in nature. They are produced in the small resin glands that appear primarily on the surface of the flowers and sugar leaves of cannabis plants called trichomes. It is estimated that there are nearly 1000 strains of cannabis that have been bred. Each of these features a distinct and unique mix of terpenes, something called a terpene profile.


Cannabis and cannabis products — such as concentrates — sold in legal and regulated states often feature a label providing a laboratory analysis that lists the exact percentages of cannabinoids and terpenes. Often, lab techs, budtenders, and pot nerds will discuss particular strains or extracts of cannabis in terms of their terpene profiles and how the overall efficacy of one profile (an individual of a particular strain) compares with other samples or methods of extracting concentrates.

Major terpenes include myrcene, pinene, and limonene. Myrcene, which conveys earthy and clove-like odors, determines whether a particular strain isindica or sativa by its percentage within the plant (further illustrating the important role played by terpenes). Pinene, a terpene also found in evergreens, has been found to increase mental focus and energy and acts as a bronchodilator — making it helpful for asthma sufferers. Limonene, as its name implies, provides an aroma of citrus and is found not only in cannabis, but also oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes. It has been revealed to alleviate depression and aid in digestion.

Terpenes are very volatile, delicate molecules that are easily destroyed by heat and oxidation. Popular cannabis concentrates, like BHO and CO2 oil, are mostly void of terpenes. One new extraction method called live resin preserves the terpene profile of cannabis plants. This process involves cryogenically freezing plants immediately after harvest and then using a laboratory extraction process (backyard brewers need not apply) to remove and isolate a more accurate representation of a particular plant’s mix of cannabinoids and terpenes.

What is Linalool?
Linalool, one of the minor terpenes found in cannabis, conveys a floral aroma, sometimes with a hint of spice. More than 200 species of plants produce linalool, including a variety of mints and herbs. More important, linalool serves many roles in relieving a number of symptoms, including pain, depression, seizures, inflammation (similar to limonene), and even insomnia (because it acts as a sedative). Its tranquilizing effects are helpful for those suffering with many types of psychosis.

  • Analgesic: Linalool is helpful for conditions like multiple sclerosis, dystonia, arthritis,post-operative pain, and chronic pain from any source because it is a pain killer. Combined with cannabinoids of the same efficacy, linalool can be a reinforcing agent in a patient’s struggle to manage pain, especially if they are trying to avoid or reduce use of opiates such as Vicodin, Percocet, and Oxycontin.
  • Antidepressant: More than 20 million people in the United States alone suffer from sometimes debilitating depression. This common psychological ailment can negatively affect one’s career, personal relationships, and even physical health. Linalool, when combined with cannabinoids like THC that are also effective in helping alleviate depression, helps form an overall strategy for using cannabis to treat these types of disorders.
  • Anti-Convulsant: Just as chemotherapy is used to treat conditions other than cancer, seizures afflict those with conditions other than epilepsy, such as traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, and hydrocephalus. Most seizures feature a duration of between 30 seconds and two minutes. Typically, they do not cause lasting harm, although they seizures often very taxing, painful, or exhausting for sufferers. Seizures that last longer than five minutes are considered life threatening.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Those suffering from inflammation-based diseases, such as Crohn’s, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, asthma, fibromyalgia, dermatitis, IBS, lupus, and Parkinson’s, among many others, gain benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of linalool (as well as a variety of anti-inflammatory cannabinoids).
  • Sedative and Sleep Aid: It is estimated that 10-30 percent of people suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives, with 10 percent reported to experience chronic and severe sleep deprivation. Cannabinoids like CBN, when combined with terpenes such as linalool, help patients get the sleep they require to maintain homeostasis (balance) and health. Adequate sleep is critical for patients to most effectively fight their condition or disease.

The Studies

Ancient cultures have used terpenes like linalool, available in a variety of aromatic herbs like cannabis, for millennia to treat a wide variety of conditions. 21st century research has confirmed the beliefs of these ancient civilizations, revealing strong medical efficacy for a variety of conditions.

A 2002 study published in the Journal of Phytomedicine revealed that linalool is a major anti-inflammatory agent, potentially helping with a variety of inflammation-related ailments, such as cancer, arthritis, and Crohn’s disease. The same research team, in a 2003 study, found linalool to also be a pain killer. These researchers again, in 2006, conducted another linalool study that further collected and examined data from animal models. This study reinforced the fact that linalool is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

2008 research published in the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal supported the sedative qualities of linalool. The study estimated that 19 million Americans suffer from anxiety-related ailments, with 16 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 54 being patients of one or more anxiety conditions, which sometimes lead to substance abuse and mood disorders.

This study revealed linalool to be a powerful sedative that delivers real efficacy to those who suffer anxiety disorders and one of their most common side effects, insomnia. Concluded the study:

“Our data…suggested that linalool modulates the central nervous system by producing unconsciousness and degradation of motor movements.”


A 2010 study involving mice that employed three different sub-types of linalool found it to be an effective anticonvulsant, meaning it shows significant promise for those who suffer seizures, such as patients of epilepsy and brain tumors. Reported the study:

“Linalool…[was] effective in preventing tonic convulsions induced by transcorneal electroshock in the animals.”

More Research Needed
As with all areas of cannabis science, terpenes like linalool are in desperate need of well funded, robust research in the form of human trials. Until cannabis is dropped from Schedule I and real studies are permitted by reputable research institutions and laboratories, medical professionals and patients must play a guessing game in terms of the types and dosages of terpenes like linalool that are most appropriate for particular conditions.

Just been made aware of the MasterSeeds cup which is open to all Spanish residents aged 18 or over, entry is €9.95 for a 7 seed pack from any of the participating grow shops that seem to be just about all over the country, with cash prizes available to the winners in 5 different cup categories, is the outdoor edition so outdoor only grows for this one, but they do run a indoor cup coming into the start of winter.

@Mossy @Yozhik @mephisto tagged in some other members in Spain that i could think of off the top of my head, lets see of we can get a AFN member winning the auto cup or even the audiovisual one with the photo skills on show round these parts ;)

Official info in Yerba magazine (only available in Spanish)

Thanks for the share Spanglish! :d5::bighug:

I have translated it so our English speaking chums can read it :thumbsup:

I deleted the gaphic symbols of the cups as they were huge and too big for me to post in Live Stoners.

MasterSeeds Cup Spain 2016: Outdoor Edition

Click the "CC" for subtitles to change it to English subtitles, click the cog, select auto select and then select English in the drop down menu.

A year or so ago we invite you to join , the first social network cannabis, the perfect place to interact with complete privacy with growers, customers and fans in general place.

Since then, we have not stopped growing. In the first edition MasterSeeds interior , 19 varieties belonging to 12 banks, have been cultivated for more than 1,000 growers in Spain who have contributed more than 9,000 photographs and almost 1,600 videos, apart from innumerable comments.

In this MasterSeeds Cup Spain 2016 Edition foreign bases they are:

Since May 5 you will have at your disposal ONLY IN THE GROW SHOPS THAT ARE OFFICIAL POINTS MASTERSEEDS CUP a pack of seven seeds for 9.95 euros belonging to the following banks: Serious Seeds, Biohazard, Genofarm (2 varieties), Kaya Spain Quality, Mr. Hide and Mr. Natural.

Moreover, FROM MAY 25, all products belonging to the sponsors of this year's going to be accessible on many of these points in a display created for this purpose. NOT ALL POINTS, FOR SPACE WILL HAVE THIS EXHIBITOR BY WHAT TO GO BEFORE ANY OF THEM, PLEASE REPASAD THE COMPLETE LIST OF ITEMS WHICH INDICATE THAT INFORMATION.

Check here the official grow shops
consultation here all information about the 5 glasses of this year

This year there are five drinks in a
Cup Feminizadas

To participate in this cup, you have to plant some (2..3, all ... the as you want to ) those seven seeds. If you wish toparticipate I comunicádselo to your grow and that will facilitate the participation certificate. Many of these officers grows have offered to asesoraros throughout the cultivation process and to select up to three samples that will be sent to us for the final. (NOT ALL GROWS THAT ARE OFFICIAL POINTS CAN DO FOR A VARIETY OF REASONS , SO YOU MUST CONSULT THE OFFICIAL LIST OF ITEMS IN WHICH THIS INFORMATION DESCRIBED).

You have until November 1 for delivery of samples in the official collection points.

The winning participant will get a cash prize of 3,000 euros and who has advised him grow during cultivation, 2000. In addition there will be nine finalists who will receive various prizes amounting to 1,000 euros in products of different sponsors.

The final results, winners and finalists will be announced before December 31 2016.

Cup Autoflorecientes/ Autoflowers
To participate in this cup be acquired FROM 25 MAY ONLY IN THE GROW SHOPS THAT ARE OFFICIAL POINTS MASTERSEEDS CUP , the last issue of Djerba, 167, which will gift two to three seeds belonging to the Cup . the prize is 1,000 euros and conditions of participation are similar to the feminized.

Ganjah Cup Seeds
To participate in this cup be acquired FROM 25 MAY ONLY IN GROW SHOPS THAT ARE OFFICIAL POINTS MASTERSEEDS CUP , the last issue of Djerba, 167, which will gift one of two varieties: White Plant or White Hole.This bank has decided to be you who will choose which of the two will be released. The prize is $ 500 and Ganjah Seeds friends posted on their profile their own bases in the near future.

Audiovisual Cup
As always in we will reward the best audiovisual monitoring report regarding pictures and videos all the cups. The prize will be EUR 500.

Serious Seeds Cup
Serious Seeds also wanted to make a drink in the cup itself, called " The hunt for the purple-happiness-pheno". With a budget of EUR 500 friends Serious Seeds have organized a competition within the MasterSeeds Cup that I you will love. Also publish the bases on a few dates.

In addition, as of May 15, OPTIONALLY will at your disposal other metal exhibitor of our sister magazine Gardens & Balconies with urban culture related products.

These actions are the first of a long list that we will be doing in order to prove that Yerba 3.0, your grow shop is very important.

What is MasterSeeds Cup?
A total of 10 banks, which may not provide each more than 5,000 seeds per variety, with a maximum of two per bank, configure two sets, one of three seeds with the magazine and another twelve will go on sale end of April for only 4.95 €, with the magazine, the first and second in 14.95 € pack with all that make up the competition. These packs ONLY be marketed IN GROW SHOPS THAT ARE OFFICIAL CUP POINTS MASTERSEEDS . Each buyer may participate in the competition, sowing many seeds you want. TU GROW SHOP WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESELECTION A MAXIMUM OF THREE BEST SAMPLES , growers who have chosen this store when purchasing the various packs of MasterSeeds Cup. they must identify by variety, indicate the nick or the entrant 's name and send them to Yerba 3.0, where a representative of each bank will choose the winning sample .. IF YOU GROW DECIDED NOT bE SELECTIVE HAS POINT, tHE ORGANIZATION wILL iNDICATE tO gROWERS THAT GROW THEM HAVE THE CERTIFICATE dELIVERED TO DELIVER WHERE SAMPLES . Finally a blind tasting with the sample of each variety will be organized and prizes will be awarded. (Best variety high in CBD, better car and better feminised). The grower winner will get a cash prize of € 3,000 euros and grow shop that you have selected another 2,000 €.

In addition, we will fortnightly audiovisual coverage on how they evolve seeds from mid-May . Our growers pro, the authors of the different sections of culture magazine, using at all times also products of our sponsors substrates, fertilizers and various gadgets, explain with pictures weekly evolution of the varieties that have been assigned so that contestants can see if there are variations with by them in an amateur way.

MasterSeeds Cup is basically an opportunity for new growers in Spain can be noted to banks and an opportunity for certain banks also able to demonstrate that its seeds germinate properly and are good products regardless of who or where cultivate. Its impact on social networks and in the cannabis world will be very wide, because we estimate that the number of official participants shall not be less than 5,000. Publication in social networks provisional classifications for each bank, plus monthly prizes from different sponsors will make this contest a classic of cannabis cups.

Check here the official grow shops
consultation here all information about the 5 glasses of this year
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Some corking plants you got there mate :thumbsup:
Thank you for noticing.. I am very happy with them.. Should be plenty to keep momma medicated while I have to shut down to sell the house and move .. Then I get to build my grow room.. Goal then will be to have a perpetual grow with a harvest of 2 plants per month..first plants will be the Dina fem CBD beans I have.
I have a few Belfast/butlers sinks in my garden with thyme in them with gravel/stone on top of the soil, I never water them and never feed them and they keep going, they like it tough.

Most herbs..and Lavender do..that is why I kept killing them in the UK..:coffee:..I wanted them to grow so I was pampering them..
they Don't appreciate it.

I prefer compact thyme to trailing (prone/prostrate) thyme but if I had the land it would be everywhere and all varieties and maybe even some lemon thyme if I had to lol

I'm on Collecting my herb Mothers..I'll fill my herb beds up with the cuttings...same with the lavender.

The Studies
Ancient cultures have used terpenes like linalool, available in a variety of aromatic herbs like cannabis, for millennia to treat a wide variety of conditions. 21st century research has confirmed the beliefs of these ancient civilizations, revealing strong medical efficacy for a variety of conditions. a Variety of aromatic herbs..:thumbsup:

“Our data…suggested that linalool modulates the central nervous system by producing unconsciousness and degradation of motor movements.”

Nerve damage and pain..Linalool Works...:d5:

Have you read the Ed Rosental terp work...?
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