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View attachment 563190 Okay for all of you that requested pictures of my last grow here you are . What !! no body requested a picture ?? Well you got it anyhow . :biggrin: This is one of 8 Think Different . My ego needs a boost tell me it looks fantastic :yay: Their a little on the short side but I think the pot size determined that and we will be up sizing the next go around next Oct . We've already started 3 Big Devils, 2 Toof Decays and 3 CBD's from Dinafem out side hoping that the weather will finally start to warm up .Oh yes and I do receive praise gracefully :toke:

Actually 1939bear your half an hour late and the request was put in via psychic transmission.:rofl:

Not to worry though you got there in the end! That's what matters.

Seems like you have exceeded expectations and she does indeed look fantastic
Good work there brother.

Good things come in small packages, or so the missus tells me.

I look forward to the big pot grow and see them go huge :thumbsup: :growing:
Afternoon AFN Stoners...:smokeout:..sharing one...

Mornin' y'all. Let's get high ! :pass:

Best suggestion I've heard all day...

I managed to finally get our little polytunnel up, and today I get to chill a bit so all's well.

We got rained off..again..:hookah:..might as well make the most of it..

I'm down :bighug::pass: lets make this an official group smoke out, time to Praise & Blaze Stoners :smokeout: Pass the kouchie pon di left hand side, it hafi bun, it hafi bun

To the the left.

Do you know that anyone Wearing a Live Stoners badge can pull a Compulsory cannabis smoke break in LS...?....and Everyone has to join in..?...

Oh yes Louis knows how to kick a gong around :smoking:

Imagine his lung expansion..:hookah:

Dont forget guys n girls, that time of the year coming up again lol ;)


Naked Gardening Event @the Ranch Saturday.....:vibe:...
if you are under 25..
and bring your gardening tools...we Need the Help...:coffee:/slaves..

I got a neighbor that I need to make sure she knows about this... :drool:

I've got a neighbors granddaughter (AGE 19) who already practices for this event daily

Oh it gets much better.... turns out she likes fishing, old guys with weed, pictures as she is an exhibitionist, oh, and did I mention old guys with weed ?

Old guys with weed .. Ok what is your address ?

EP went silent with a naked pic... wonder what he is doing

Two words..Jail Bait...:crying:..or..Wishful Thinking...

beautiful, time just to be.......Is that your alfalfa field on the other side of fence? is Lit up with shepherds purses ATM..which are okay..and not as many reeds as suspected.
Farmer seems Happy with it..and we are too...:headbang:

standing at the crossroads, crucible of character, forge of the soul, hey where did that evil empire go?

:dragon2: I was here all the time......

G'nite Stoners

Sleep Tight Rifleman...:pass:..sorry you Missed the group smoke out..we left you a couple of joints for some nice wake n bake..

I smoke herb and I mix it with peppermint sometimes. I’m a naturalist, I believe that nature heals. I don’t believe in pharmaceuticals. The herb is a healer. I don’t just smoke it, I eat it as well and I eat the seeds, I drink the powder. I use the oil, I put it on my skin, use it on my hair.”

I was going to mention this yesterday..our joints are all hand made..and I was Wondering if anyone added other herbs to their smokes....?

I the guy says a nice sprinkle of mint makes a good menthol one..and as I was cleaning thyme yesterday I realised..a strong smell of diesel..which we appreciate in our girls.

As the terpenes play a part in our cannabis med effect taste and attraction..does anybody Dabble in an Extra bit of 'erb..?
arty zan said:
I smoke herb and I mix it with peppermint sometimes. I’m a naturalist, I believe that nature heals. I don’t believe in pharmaceuticals. The herb is a healer. I don’t just smoke it, I eat it as well and I eat the seeds, I drink the powder. I use the oil, I put it on my skin, use it on my hair.”

I was going to mention this yesterday..our joints are all hand made..and I was Wondering if anyone added other herbs to their smokes....?

I the guy says a nice sprinkle of mint makes a good menthol one..and as I was cleaning thyme yesterday I realised..a strong smell of diesel..which we appreciate in our girls.

As the terpenes play a part in our cannabis med effect taste and attraction..does anybody Dabble in an Extra bit of 'erb..?

I can't say I have, maybe "Thyme" (ho ho) to try a bit of extra herbage in my vape!

Thyme is my all Thyme (can't help myself) favorite herb (although lemon thyme is a bit odd, prolly just me?).

Bees love thyme , that's part of summer for me, the buzzing of our fuzzy garden friends and the whiff of thyme is absolutely sublime.

Thyme is also known as the Herb of Courage

Thyme (Sci. Name: thymus vulgaris) is one of the best examples that indicate how invaluable the treasure of Nature is. Thyme from a therapeutic perspective acts as an excellent lung cleanser and will help to clear your lungs from phlegm and calm your cough. In addition, thyme is a natural antiseptic and has been repeatedly used to treat wounds and falling eyes. Thyme tea will relieve excessive gas from the stomach and both the aroma and the tea of thyme will help you against headaches and believe it or not it will do miracles after a hangover (in case you regret your party last night :). In Greece, honey made by the pollen of thyme is considered of very good quality and is used as a natural antibiotic, as it will help you boost your immune system.
Thyme is classified in literature as a herb of Sun and/orVenus and it is used for multiple magical purposes. If placed in your pillow or above your bed it is said that will help you have a relaxing night sleep and will protect you against nightmares. This is why thyme is considered one of the ingredients of a magic dreaming pillow. Thyme was also sacred to the Druids and a place where wild thyme grows would have been considered a powerful place, blessed by the Gods. If burnt, thyme will help purify the area and Ancient Greeks and Romans burnt thyme in their temples and sacred places to ward off negativity and raise the spirits, as thyme brings an aura of active tranquility. By the phrase “active tranquility” I mean that the smell of burnt thyme will help you relax but will lift your spirits as well, as it is known as a herb that promotes courage. A magical sachet with soil from the earth, thyme and borage will give courage to the person who carries it.

The connection between thyme and the passage to other worlds can be traced through history as it was placed in coffins to ensure that the person will have a safe passage to the otherworld and will also make the spirit of the ghost more courageous in order to face the challenges of the afterlife. In addition, thyme was carried by family members and friends to help them overcome the death of a loved one and gain the courage to combat depression. Furthermore, thyme is also known as one of the herbs that allows the witch to contact entities from other worlds and according to my experience it is a good herb to use if you would like to communicate with the Faeries as it will help you combat your insecurities. If you would like to contact the Faeries blow dried thyme leaves in the wind. In France, it was a common practice to plant thyme in the garden if you would like the faeries to pay you a visit, while in Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Oberon, King of the Fairies states that “I know a bank where the wild thyme blows” potentially referring to the bed of Titania, Queen of Fairies.

In addition to the above, thyme is considered to bring good fortune in financial, gambling and love issues as it will help you boost your self-confidence. Thyme is a basic ingredient to the famous Hoodoo recipe Three Jacks and King oil which was widely used by gamblers especially in card games (that’s where the oil got its name from).
Use Thyme :
For purification and cleansing
• To promote courage
• To contact the Fairies ( and entities from other worlds) a quick spliff will help as well!
• To ward off nightmares
• In rites of passage (can be both used in birth and funeral rituals)
• In gambling
• To treat your hangover

Thyme (Thymus)
Thyme Benefits

Thyme is of the genus Thymus, most commonly Thymus vulgaris or common thyme. It has been well-used for centuries for a variety of purposes. People in ancient Rome used thyme in order to treat melancholy and added the herb to alcoholic beverages and cheese. The ancient Greeks would use thyme in incense. During medieval times, the herb was used in order to infuse the user with vigor and courage.

Approximately 350 thyme species exist. Some of these species are good plants for gardening and possess a sweet fragrance and pretty lilac or pink flowers. Despite the fact that the flowers are quite small, there are many of them which produce nectar and therefore attract bees. Some of the most flavorful honey can be obtained from the nectar of thyme.

The plants are perennial and belong to the family of mint. They also exist in several different colors and shapes. The flowers of the plant range from pale pink, blue-violet, magenta, lilac, mauve, and white while the leaves vary in shades of green as well as bronze and silver.

The vast range of differences between each of the plants makes them each unique. As such, there are a number of different names for the various thyme types which include Rainbow Falls, Archer’s Gold, Golden King, Goldstream, Silver Posie, Silver Queen, and Lemon Curd. All of these plants have different scents which can generate aromas such as camphor, lemon, orange, celery, tangerine, caraway, pine, as well as eucalyptus. The different flavors and aromas are due to the subtle differences in the essential oil within the plant.

Thyme is a highly fragrant and pleasant plant to grow within a garden. They are small in size which makes them easy to plan in small spaces such as in rock gardens, small pots, and in between paving stones. They can be used in order to repel cabbage pests and beetles. In order to ensure that they grow well, it is best to trim the plant after they flower and remove any of the dead flowers.

Culinary Uses
The lemon thyme and common thyme are the most common forms of thyme that are used in cooking. In contract, thyme is also used for medicinal purposes with the most common types used being Spanish thyme, common thyme, as well as creeping thyme. All of these types are indigenous to Western Asia and Europe although they are cultivated throughout the world.

The dried or fresh leaves of the thyme plant along with the flowers can be used within stews, soups, sautéed or baked vegetables, custards, and casseroles. The herb gives the food a tangy and warm flavor, similar to camphor, and is able to retain its strong flavor even after cooking. It can also be used within marinades as well as stuffings.

Therapeutic Uses of Thyme
Thyme’s essential oil may be used within toothpastes, soaps, perfumes,antiseptic ointments, and cosmetics. The oil is also utilized in order to elevate the mood and relieving pain in aromatherapy. It can also be calming during conditions of stress and baths with thyme can help to relieve joint pain and aches.

Medicinal uses
The essential oils within thyme contain large amounts of thymol, which is a strong antibacterial agent as well as a strong antiseptic and antioxidant. The oil can be used within mouthwashes in order treat mouth inflammations as well as infections of the throat. Thyme is also used often within cough drops.

Due to the essential oil, the herb contains bronchial antispasmodic and expectorant properties which makes it quite useful in treatment of chronic as well as acute bronchitis, upper respiratory tract inflammation, and whooping cough. Thyme can also enhance the functioning of the bronchial cilia, also affecting the bronchial mucosa. Thyme’s terpenoids provide the herb with its expectorant properties while the flavonoids in the herb provide thyme with its spasmolytic effects. All members of the family of mint, such as thyme, contain terpenoids that are well-known for battling cancer.

Tea can also be made with 1 tsp of crushed thyme mixed in with ½ cup of water which is boiling. The thyme should steep within the water for a period of 10 minutes and then strained. The tea should be drunk between 3 and 4 times per day in order to treat coughs. If the tea needs to be sweetened, honey can be used.

Safety Precautions when Using Thyme
Thyme has no known side effects and is completely safe to use. However, thyme’s essential oil could cause skin and mucous membrane irritation and can also cause allergic reactions. It is also recommended that thyme should not be used medicinally during pregnancy as they have been linked with uterine stimulation.
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View attachment 563190 Okay for all of you that requested pictures of my last grow here you are . What !! no body requested a picture ?? Well you got it anyhow . :biggrin: This is one of 8 Think Different . My ego needs a boost tell me it looks fantastic :yay: Their a little on the short side but I think the pot size determined that and we will be up sizing the next go around next Oct . We've already started 3 Big Devils, 2 Toof Decays and 3 CBD's from Dinafem out side hoping that the weather will finally start to warm up .Oh yes and I do receive praise gracefully :toke:

Great job 9bear
View attachment 563190 Okay for all of you that requested pictures of my last grow here you are . What !! no body requested a picture ?? Well you got it anyhow . :biggrin: This is one of 8 Think Different . My ego needs a boost tell me it looks fantastic :yay: Their a little on the short side but I think the pot size determined that and we will be up sizing the next go around next Oct . We've already started 3 Big Devils, 2 Toof Decays and 3 CBD's from Dinafem out side hoping that the weather will finally start to warm up .Oh yes and I do receive praise gracefully :toke:
Not just because you asked.... But it does look like a beauty. I'm going to have to grow at least one of those now. Bang up job man.
I can't say I have, maybe "Thyme" (ho ho) to try a bit of extra herbage in my vape!

Thyme is my all Thyme (can't help myself) favorite herb (although lemon thyme is a bit odd, prolly just me?).

Bees love thyme , that's part of summer for me, the buzzing of our fuzzy garden friends and the whiff of thyme is absolutely sublime.

Thyme is also known as the Herb of Courage

:coffee: It is Definitely time to give it a whirl.
IMO..terpenes are our cannabis med Selection.
You will know by your Nose which Meds will Hit the Spot for you..Before you smoke them..I Know I Do...
it make sense to try other herbs that fit in the same terp profile for a synergistic effect.

I Love Linalool based canna meds and without realising I was also attracted to the herbs and flowers that carry the most linalool.


Furthermore, thyme is also known as one of the herbs that allows the witch to contact entities from other worlds

What you trying to say arty...?...just coz I Talk to Dragons...:dragon4:..doesn't make me a Witch....Much...
As the terpenes play a part in our cannabis med effect taste and attraction..does anybody Dabble in an Extra bit of 'erb..?

I got sold an eighth of Oregano once, does that count? :doh: Makes sense though, after all herbs are the medicines of yesteryear, we have just become removed from the knowledge of their uses and benefits with our dependence on modern medicine. Fits right in with the concept of aromatherapy too.
Aye arty..I'm with you on the lemon thyme..I cut both types yesterday..I was making French onion soup....:chef:...beef/brown stock..tons of caramelised sweet onions and a big handful of thyme.


but I just used the ordinary..wasn't sure how the lemon would affect the taste...:thumbsup:..and I didn't want to spoil it.

Breaking for a joint and smelling the thyme/diesel on my hands while smoking made me Wonder if anyone else tried it.

One Not to try with the bud is Chilli.. :doh:..don't Ask..seeds dropping through the dehydrator onto bud...:fire:..Woof..that clears your lungs out.....:nono:
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