pardon the lag friends,....

... the Infirmary keeps blowing up, and HM has gone underground,...dammit!

..so much for the "help",...
Reb, O3-- more killer menu items to add to the Gellie Cafe'! --- Reb, by 9 nine hours, I bet the flavor concentration is great, with much of the moisture driven off! Post a plated pic next time my friend, it's gotta show off the Goods! ........ O3, I want a slice of that with Reb's crock pot dish

,... looks as good as it tasted right?
-- sriracha beef jerky,....

how much for an 1/4lb?

... Shepards pie is Goodness, it's been ages since I've had a proper serving of it,.. post a recipe mate! Small wonder the family locusts descended upon it all and left wreckage behind-

-- that's love for ya!

--unleashing the beast smoker unit! That is a Prize brudda, neighborhood smoker superiority-

... if I was your neighbor, Ida been haunting you all night into the day, plate-in-hand...

..... tell about that starter "wick" for the coals,... The meats look fantastic, especially that brisket! I've not read or visited those sites mentioned,.. you wrap the brisket first before you smoke? gawd, it looks heavenly resting in that parchment!


gaaahhhh, no finished rib pics, or plated brisket?!

I'm guessing you got stampeded by serving time, so we'll let it slide this time,...

How were the reviews?