--- daaaAAAaamn! Way to blow the roof on the snack shack friends-
I blink over the weekend, and y'all fill in 5 phat pages of fantastic grubbage!
Bushmaster'- your bro's beef enchiladas literally made my stomach growl! I've had a hankering, and those pics were pure torture,...
...still one of my all time fav's, that and a great mole'!
@Waira and
@FullDuplex here with me.... my besties.... i am at peace now lol
A-T' Ayuuuh!...sorry I missed the prime time and all that, I needed a little break,... ****....
good gawd, that belly looks amazing, and that marinade/drizzle takes it off the hook! great flavor combos....
Whaaaaat, no finished pics??
-that's just stone cold man,...
.... Ahh yes, the age old question: to sauce, or not to sauce,...
I'll tell you what, I love them both! ...for me it's all about the flavor profiles you build into the rubs and/or sauce,... if I plan to rub and sauce, I dial them in so they make music together, not try to out-flavor each other,... One of my best found recipe's is a Memphis Dry rub, no sauce EVER on this! It's made form several fresh ground seeds and other seasonings,... the seeds potent flavors calm down and marry beautifully in the smoker,.. sauce would be an insult!-- other side of the coin, the apple cider-jalapeno mop ribs have only salt and pepper for a rub, and no smoke, justa quick browning in a pan and lots of glazing,.... I'll get that Memphis rub recipe up in here soon, it's a must-try! :smoking:
>> @Seabass
welcome to you too brother-
-- where you been??
Way to kick up the game a notch here with slow-mo' sous vide goodness...
It looks positively delish'!.. what's the dressing on top? ..... very intriguing method for sure, I've only had it a few times from fancy places... So, that unit you showed is both heater and circulator? Gonna check that out!,... Wow, what cut of meat is that there, and did you give it a quick broil to get that browning? ....
worth every minute of the wait and work!
Ripp buddy, way to throw down the ribs! I love your applejuice spray trick, that I will try soon! I have a recipe in here someplace I think for apple cider-jalapeno mop for unsmoked ribs,.. same deal, just glaze glaze glaze-
... dude, as the Chef in Chief, you are allowed to set aside 1 rack made to your spec's, coz the bark is the Boss! Those ribs look killer no matter what, to me,...
@Ozone69 my man, that's killing me all over again! I had Al Pastor sopas for lunch today,... great link bro', are you happy with that recipe? that's a must try for me,.. pork shoulder, right?