Promises promises! ..depends on if you talk to Jameson first, ay? ..... This Friday we have a general family Christmas Party at my coz's place... It's total H-bomb of simply killer eats man! My extended family can really cook,... I have to figure out what I'm making this year still,... but I'll have sick sick foody pics of the feast! ... 'Night-O brother,...
Well been working 12hr shifts all week ... 1 more to go.... F $%K santa clause.... hahaha heres whats for dinner at work though....
All this OT i pretty much have the toys and kids taken care of. Ms.Train is Pissed i barely seen her all week so saturday night we are headed to our favirite restaurant down town so keep an eye out here for the latest fine dining experience @Waira i promise pics
why do I look at this stuff at this hour??! Dude, I'd eat that right now, fuck the consequences! What a gut-bomb that platter is my friend, how do you stay awake? I'd be tucked in a tool cabinet hanging by a hook,... ...... Ahhh, some spoilage is over due brudda, you best be rollin' out the fine W&D night, and no fallin' asleep later when it's "dessert time",...!
....I'll see your fine dining, and raise you a Family Christmas Party! Epic food fest' brudda, it's going to be obscene,... .... you two have a excellent date night now, y'hear?
Keep tuned , oh cabbage lovers . Coming soon . Hecnos 2nd AFN award winning stuffed cabbage , @Waira can ya get a badge ready for me mate . I'll pick it up in the morning .
:smoking: Heeeeec'! I look forward to it mate- ...Hmm, a cabbage badge,...something for me to look into! Maybe one of those creepy-ass Cabbage Patch Kids dolls from way back, that look like radiation mutants-'ll have to share with brudda A-T, coz it was his porn that brought the goods on!
And the award winning -- CABBAGE , -- YES -- insert now .
1/ pork mince and other secret things .
Smoked Bacon fat from a very hard to get mango pigs .
Opps . Don't know how that got there ,
Ok Wombats , your turn . Only one rule , must have AFN and and name in the photo , Ya think I trust you lot of cabbage heads . Try and take my crown away . :smoking: Ps one of the mods said a badge for being a Cabbage head is very hard to get .
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