Live Stoners Live Stoner Eats !!! Let's See what's for Dinner

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Thanks Dr. Bubbles. [emoji481][emoji482]
I'm so sorry to hear about your your mother and your family that's so hard and it's that time in our lives when we look to the end of our family members the ones who we love and those who hold our families togather our matriarchs of our families.
It's time for you now to be strong.
I'm going through some of these same things that you're going through myself and so I'm telling this to you to help myself be stronger in this time of my life.
Be strong brother it's all part of our life best way I can explain it We all have different ways we react too hard times in our lives but the main thing I believe is stay positive stay focused.
I know it's easier said than done but as long as you try I think it's easier to stay on track.
Good luck to you brother happy holidays to you and yours.
May the future be bright but prepare for the darkness.
I just remember all the happiness that was shared with me.
That's the best way you can remember anybody or anyting.[emoji482]

Thanks man....yeah, I am getting to that age when people around you start dying. It happens to everyone, ya just don't think about it till it's here. One minute you're 30 and things seem like they are set in stone. Ya drink a little too much one night and sleep in, and it's a decade later. The things that were set in stone are crumbling and grey hairs start spawning. It's a short ride.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
No picture an IDIOT!!!! Had some company over last night and we decided to do something good and keep it affordable. I am doing my late Thanksgiving dinner this Saturday, so keep it simple. After a 10m brainstorming session we decided on some Baked Rigs. Took a trip to the hypermart and put it together like this:

Preheat oven to 350°, and fire up a big kettle with a gallon or so of salt water. Got the Copper Chef out and put in a ½c of extra virgin olive oil with some fresh minced garlic. Super low heat for 20m so the garlic infuses the oil. Empty the pan, saving all the goodness...put a tablespoon of butter and a chopped onion back in the pan and do that for 10m. Empty the pan again, saving that and put a couple pounds of ground beef in and brown that up nice, drain, season with salt and garlic powder and save. Put the Rigatoni noodles in the water while the beef browns and cook those for about 70% of the time, about 8 mins vs the 12 it takes to finish em. Drain the oodlie noodlies and toss a dot of some E.V.O.O. in there so they don't brick up. (Tip: if you're making spaghetti, toss a ¼c of parmesan in there after the olive oil to make the sauce stick WAY better and make the noodles stand on their own). One more time with the Copper Chef...I used two boxes of rigs and two jars of Wegmans Vodka sauce, along with everything you've set aside except the noodles. Cover and simmer for 15m with everything all in. For 2 boxes I used a 15x10 aluminum pan with a quick shot of cooking spray to keep it from sticking. After the simmer, mix the noodles in nice and dump the whole mess into the large baking pan and be sure to spray it!! Cover extremely tight with good foil and toss it in the ole hotbox for an hour and a half or so. Pull the foil off and toss some shredded mozzarella all over and return to the oven for another 15-20m until the cheese is just slightly toasted and all bubbly and gooey. About 5 min before it's done put a loaf of Italian Bread in and get that warm and lovely. Bust it out, and let it rest while you're slicing up and buttering the bread. It should almost come out like lasagna except you don't need to cut it. It should hold it's shape well though. It's a pretty cheap way to feed a crowd and it's delicious and groovy. It's amazing what an hour in the oven does to some higher end jarred sauce and noodles. Baked Rigs with toasty Italian bread...I actually cooked this solo so I was busy and didn't get a pic. No excuse, cause I shoulda snapped a pic when it came out the hot house. Ohh well....I'll have my camera ready on Saturday. The following rant was brought to you by the letter 7. [emoji39]

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Some good Italian sausage and a little wine will go a long way to fix a jar of store bought marinara.
Yup....I forgot, I did in fact open a bottle of red wine, some Pinot Noir, and dumped a cup and a half in, along with a ½C of half n half. I refuse to use water to thin out sauce unless I made it from scratch.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Good evening doper buddies. It's Saturday...and things did NOT go how I expected. As some of you may know, I didn't eat Thanksgiving dinner this year. Tonight was SUPPOSED to be a family and friends feast put on by your friendly hospital staff, me and Nurse B. Without going into detail, I got pissed off because people were acting dumb, so I bailed on that idea and said fuck it, and went all out in a different direction. Here is the result of my latest trip to the hypermart:

Since we weren't doing ham or turkey, beef came to mind. That being said, I decided to grab some high end steaks, more specifically a pair of thick 6oz Filets and package of 4 'Porterhouse Tails', which are about 4 or 5oz each. Straight from the butcher...the filets are on the left.

After a quick dip in some olive oil and seasoned with sea salt and course pepper. I also like to let steaks warm up on the counter for an hour, especially in the winter when you're fighting the cold with the grill. You want your grill as hot as you can get it to properly sear a steak, and this just makes it a little bit easier.

We were gonna do our famous jumbo grilled shrimp scampi for the original dinner. I had em, they were defrosted, and they needed to get used. I did. This is my secret shrimp marinade for the grill, which is Italian dressing, lemon juice, beer and Old Bay. Devein the shrimp, butterfly em, and leave the shells on for the grill. Wash em up in ice cold running water, Pat dry and dump em in the marinade. These went for about 16 hours, but they can handle up to 48 as long as it's not too acidic. If it is, you'll wind up with something that looks like Ceviche.

Ass-pair-a-gas...nature's asshole veggie. Gotta love popping some green on a plate, especially when it's real good. It's posing for this pic in my hard annodized thrift store score grill pan with the holes in it. This pan is a monster for grilled veggies that would normally wanna fall through the grates. It's not quite as hot as without it, so I mainly use it for the vejatableaus. Must have for you die hard grilling guys like myselfs.

Next on the tasting menu is something special. This is an adaptation of Tyler Florence's Ultimate Mashed Potates with grainy mustard. No mustard in these....but I did all the other trickery. The magic comes from super fresh peeled Yukon Golds, heavy cream, garlic and fresh thyme. Peel the potatoes and put em in an ice water bath to de-starch em. When it's time to make em, cut em into chunks and cook em directly in heavy cream, which is always left just under boiling. Put about 6 cloves of minced garlic and about 7 or so sprigs of FRESH Thyme. Dried thyme is nothing like fresh thyme, and if you did this with the dried stuff, it would have that musty flavor that thyme and sage do when they are dried. Chop the thyme up and get it into the cream mix. Cook the taters right in that, and save the cream after they are done. Transfer the cooked taters to a new bowl. Put a pad of butter in, and slowly start stirring the cream liquid back in as you mash em. That's right. (Imagine that in Trey Parker's voice from South Park). These are the best mashed potatoes I think that is humanly possible to craft. They are so fucking creamy, yet stiff and not glue like....and the fresh thyme and garlic infused into the cream is why culinary school exists. Definitely try this one at home kids.


Sadly, I didn't get a pic of the taters finished besides down below on the plate. That pic would go here:

This is my semi homemade Demi-Glace which is veal stock bones and bits cooked in a dark brown roux and veal stock for 18 hours reduced by 85% and once again cooked down with dry Sherry. Fortunately, Wegmans sells the brown part fresh and all thats left to do to make it authentic is to add super dry red wine or Sherry to double the volume of the original Wegmans tub and cook it covered for about 40m. This is a job for my mini Dutch oven so it doesn't need babysitting. Notice the color from the red wines. I used a combo of Dry Sherry and the last of the dry Pinot Noir I opened the other day when I made that DELICIOUS Baked Rigatoni dish with no pictures.

This is nature's asshole again. The attention whore is all oiled up and getting burned by flames and it wants you to notice.

The twin fillets. That's the hot corner of the grill with everything on 10. Don't overcook em!!

Nah....course not. Ooh yeah, that's what we like. Let em rest in a glass pan for a good 8-10m for the best results. Top pic is an out of focus pic of one of my Porterhouse Tails, and my fillet is under that.


Here is a quick montage of a little Rochester treat called Dave's Locker Clams Casino. These are made right down the road for the last 30 years, and are so good, they are the standard fare in most local restaurants around here. They are made with fresh live shucked Quahog clams, the clam is left in the shell, and their signature bacon, celery, and breadcrumb mix is packed on top and finished with a little paprika. To cook em, you place em under the broiler for about 12-15m. They are addicting and I want more. NOW.

This is what they look like after the broiler does it's thing. They come with 6 in a package and here is precisely ½ of that. That's three!!

And here is the finished product. I suppose it's like a genuine Thanksgiving dinner, as it doesn't fit on the plate. It was a genuine pain in the ass getting to this point and having everything come out together at the same time. It was fun, and my God was it delicious. Got a little steak, mashed and shrimp left for some Sunday lunch without the hassle. I also smoked some original GWK tonight in my Sherlock.


Ham coming soon...

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Good evening doper buddies. It's Saturday...and things did NOT go how I expected. As some of you may know, I didn't eat Thanksgiving dinner this year. Tonight was SUPPOSED to be a family and friends feast put on by your friendly hospital staff, me and Nurse B. Without going into detail, I got pissed off because people were acting dumb, so I bailed on that idea and said fuck it, and went all out in a different direction. Here is the result of my latest trip to the hypermart:

Since we weren't doing ham or turkey, beef came to mind. That being said, I decided to grab some high end steaks, more specifically a pair of thick 6oz Filets and package of 4 'Porterhouse Tails', which are about 4 or 5oz each. Straight from the butcher...the filets are on the left.

After a quick dip in some olive oil and seasoned with sea salt and course pepper. I also like to let steaks warm up on the counter for an hour, especially in the winter when you're fighting the cold with the grill. You want your grill as hot as you can get it to properly sear a steak, and this just makes it a little bit easier.

We were gonna do our famous jumbo grilled shrimp scampi for the original dinner. I had em, they were defrosted, and they needed to get used. I did. This is my secret shrimp marinade for the grill, which is Italian dressing, lemon juice, beer and Old Bay. Devein the shrimp, butterfly em, and leave the shells on for the grill. Wash em up in ice cold running water, Pat dry and dump em in the marinade. These went for about 16 hours, but they can handle up to 48 as long as it's not too acidic. If it is, you'll wind up with something that looks like Ceviche.

Ass-pair-a-gas...nature's asshole veggie. Gotta love popping some green on a plate, especially when it's real good. It's posing for this pic in my hard annodized thrift store score grill pan with the holes in it. This pan is a monster for grilled veggies that would normally wanna fall through the grates. It's not quite as hot as without it, so I mainly use it for the vejatableaus. Must have for you die hard grilling guys like myselfs.

Next on the tasting menu is something special. This is an adaptation of Tyler Florence's Ultimate Mashed Potates with grainy mustard. No mustard in these....but I did all the other trickery. The magic comes from super fresh peeled Yukon Golds, heavy cream, garlic and fresh thyme. Peel the potatoes and put em in an ice water bath to de-starch em. When it's time to make em, cut em into chunks and cook em directly in heavy cream, which is always left just under boiling. Put about 6 cloves of minced garlic and about 7 or so sprigs of FRESH Thyme. Dried thyme is nothing like fresh thyme, and if you did this with the dried stuff, it would have that musty flavor that thyme and sage do when they are dried. Chop the thyme up and get it into the cream mix. Cook the taters right in that, and save the cream after they are done. Transfer the cooked taters to a new bowl. Put a pad of butter in, and slowly start stirring the cream liquid back in as you mash em. That's right. (Imagine that in Trey Parker's voice from South Park). These are the best mashed potatoes I think that is humanly possible to craft. They are so fucking creamy, yet stiff and not glue like....and the fresh thyme and garlic infused into the cream is why culinary school exists. Definitely try this one at home kids.


Sadly, I didn't get a pic of the taters finished besides down below on the plate. That pic would go here:

This is my semi homemade Demi-Glace which is veal stock bones and bits cooked in a dark brown roux and veal stock for 18 hours reduced by 85% and once again cooked down with dry Sherry. Fortunately, Wegmans sells the brown part fresh and all thats left to do to make it authentic is to add super dry red wine or Sherry to double the volume of the original Wegmans tub and cook it covered for about 40m. This is a job for my mini Dutch oven so it doesn't need babysitting. Notice the color from the red wines. I used a combo of Dry Sherry and the last of the dry Pinot Noir I opened the other day when I made that DELICIOUS Baked Rigatoni dish with no pictures.

This is nature's asshole again. The attention whore is all oiled up and getting burned by flames and it wants you to notice.

The twin fillets. That's the hot corner of the grill with everything on 10. Don't overcook em!!

Nah....course not. Ooh yeah, that's what we like. Let em rest in a glass pan for a good 8-10m for the best results. Top pic is an out of focus pic of one of my Porterhouse Tails, and my fillet is under that.


Here is a quick montage of a little Rochester treat called Dave's Locker Clams Casino. These are made right down the road for the last 30 years, and are so good, they are the standard fare in most local restaurants around here. They are made with fresh live shucked Quahog clams, the clam is left in the shell, and their signature bacon, celery, and breadcrumb mix is packed on top and finished with a little paprika. To cook em, you place em under the broiler for about 12-15m. They are addicting and I want more. NOW.

This is what they look like after the broiler does it's thing. They come with 6 in a package and here is precisely ½ of that. That's three!!

And here is the finished product. I suppose it's like a genuine Thanksgiving dinner, as it doesn't fit on the plate. It was a genuine pain in the ass getting to this point and having everything come out together at the same time. It was fun, and my God was it delicious. Got a little steak, mashed and shrimp left for some Sunday lunch without the hassle. I also smoked some original GWK tonight in my Sherlock.


Ham coming soon...

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Very nice looking!!!:clapper::clapper::clapper::slap:
Good evening doper buddies. It's Saturday...and things did NOT go how I expected. As some of you may know, I didn't eat Thanksgiving dinner this year. Tonight was SUPPOSED to be a family and friends feast put on by your friendly hospital staff, me and Nurse B. Without going into detail, I got pissed off because people were acting dumb, so I bailed on that idea and said fuck it, and went all out in a different direction. Here is the result of my latest trip to the hypermart:

Since we weren't doing ham or turkey, beef came to mind. That being said, I decided to grab some high end steaks, more specifically a pair of thick 6oz Filets and package of 4 'Porterhouse Tails', which are about 4 or 5oz each. Straight from the butcher...the filets are on the left.

After a quick dip in some olive oil and seasoned with sea salt and course pepper. I also like to let steaks warm up on the counter for an hour, especially in the winter when you're fighting the cold with the grill. You want your grill as hot as you can get it to properly sear a steak, and this just makes it a little bit easier.

We were gonna do our famous jumbo grilled shrimp scampi for the original dinner. I had em, they were defrosted, and they needed to get used. I did. This is my secret shrimp marinade for the grill, which is Italian dressing, lemon juice, beer and Old Bay. Devein the shrimp, butterfly em, and leave the shells on for the grill. Wash em up in ice cold running water, Pat dry and dump em in the marinade. These went for about 16 hours, but they can handle up to 48 as long as it's not too acidic. If it is, you'll wind up with something that looks like Ceviche.

Ass-pair-a-gas...nature's asshole veggie. Gotta love popping some green on a plate, especially when it's real good. It's posing for this pic in my hard annodized thrift store score grill pan with the holes in it. This pan is a monster for grilled veggies that would normally wanna fall through the grates. It's not quite as hot as without it, so I mainly use it for the vejatableaus. Must have for you die hard grilling guys like myselfs.

Next on the tasting menu is something special. This is an adaptation of Tyler Florence's Ultimate Mashed Potates with grainy mustard. No mustard in these....but I did all the other trickery. The magic comes from super fresh peeled Yukon Golds, heavy cream, garlic and fresh thyme. Peel the potatoes and put em in an ice water bath to de-starch em. When it's time to make em, cut em into chunks and cook em directly in heavy cream, which is always left just under boiling. Put about 6 cloves of minced garlic and about 7 or so sprigs of FRESH Thyme. Dried thyme is nothing like fresh thyme, and if you did this with the dried stuff, it would have that musty flavor that thyme and sage do when they are dried. Chop the thyme up and get it into the cream mix. Cook the taters right in that, and save the cream after they are done. Transfer the cooked taters to a new bowl. Put a pad of butter in, and slowly start stirring the cream liquid back in as you mash em. That's right. (Imagine that in Trey Parker's voice from South Park). These are the best mashed potatoes I think that is humanly possible to craft. They are so fucking creamy, yet stiff and not glue like....and the fresh thyme and garlic infused into the cream is why culinary school exists. Definitely try this one at home kids.


Sadly, I didn't get a pic of the taters finished besides down below on the plate. That pic would go here:

This is my semi homemade Demi-Glace which is veal stock bones and bits cooked in a dark brown roux and veal stock for 18 hours reduced by 85% and once again cooked down with dry Sherry. Fortunately, Wegmans sells the brown part fresh and all thats left to do to make it authentic is to add super dry red wine or Sherry to double the volume of the original Wegmans tub and cook it covered for about 40m. This is a job for my mini Dutch oven so it doesn't need babysitting. Notice the color from the red wines. I used a combo of Dry Sherry and the last of the dry Pinot Noir I opened the other day when I made that DELICIOUS Baked Rigatoni dish with no pictures.

This is nature's asshole again. The attention whore is all oiled up and getting burned by flames and it wants you to notice.

The twin fillets. That's the hot corner of the grill with everything on 10. Don't overcook em!!

Nah....course not. Ooh yeah, that's what we like. Let em rest in a glass pan for a good 8-10m for the best results. Top pic is an out of focus pic of one of my Porterhouse Tails, and my fillet is under that.


Here is a quick montage of a little Rochester treat called Dave's Locker Clams Casino. These are made right down the road for the last 30 years, and are so good, they are the standard fare in most local restaurants around here. They are made with fresh live shucked Quahog clams, the clam is left in the shell, and their signature bacon, celery, and breadcrumb mix is packed on top and finished with a little paprika. To cook em, you place em under the broiler for about 12-15m. They are addicting and I want more. NOW.

This is what they look like after the broiler does it's thing. They come with 6 in a package and here is precisely ½ of that. That's three!!

And here is the finished product. I suppose it's like a genuine Thanksgiving dinner, as it doesn't fit on the plate. It was a genuine pain in the ass getting to this point and having everything come out together at the same time. It was fun, and my God was it delicious. Got a little steak, mashed and shrimp left for some Sunday lunch without the hassle. I also smoked some original GWK tonight in my Sherlock.


Ham coming soon...

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
I'm now starving!
Good evening doper buddies. It's Saturday...and things did NOT go how I expected. As some of you may know, I didn't eat Thanksgiving dinner this year. Tonight was SUPPOSED to be a family and friends feast put on by your friendly hospital staff, me and Nurse B. Without going into detail, I got pissed off because people were acting dumb, so I bailed on that idea and said fuck it, and went all out in a different direction. Here is the result of my latest trip to the hypermart:

Since we weren't doing ham or turkey, beef came to mind. That being said, I decided to grab some high end steaks, more specifically a pair of thick 6oz Filets and package of 4 'Porterhouse Tails', which are about 4 or 5oz each. Straight from the butcher...the filets are on the left.

After a quick dip in some olive oil and seasoned with sea salt and course pepper. I also like to let steaks warm up on the counter for an hour, especially in the winter when you're fighting the cold with the grill. You want your grill as hot as you can get it to properly sear a steak, and this just makes it a little bit easier.

We were gonna do our famous jumbo grilled shrimp scampi for the original dinner. I had em, they were defrosted, and they needed to get used. I did. This is my secret shrimp marinade for the grill, which is Italian dressing, lemon juice, beer and Old Bay. Devein the shrimp, butterfly em, and leave the shells on for the grill. Wash em up in ice cold running water, Pat dry and dump em in the marinade. These went for about 16 hours, but they can handle up to 48 as long as it's not too acidic. If it is, you'll wind up with something that looks like Ceviche.

Ass-pair-a-gas...nature's asshole veggie. Gotta love popping some green on a plate, especially when it's real good. It's posing for this pic in my hard annodized thrift store score grill pan with the holes in it. This pan is a monster for grilled veggies that would normally wanna fall through the grates. It's not quite as hot as without it, so I mainly use it for the vejatableaus. Must have for you die hard grilling guys like myselfs.

Next on the tasting menu is something special. This is an adaptation of Tyler Florence's Ultimate Mashed Potates with grainy mustard. No mustard in these....but I did all the other trickery. The magic comes from super fresh peeled Yukon Golds, heavy cream, garlic and fresh thyme. Peel the potatoes and put em in an ice water bath to de-starch em. When it's time to make em, cut em into chunks and cook em directly in heavy cream, which is always left just under boiling. Put about 6 cloves of minced garlic and about 7 or so sprigs of FRESH Thyme. Dried thyme is nothing like fresh thyme, and if you did this with the dried stuff, it would have that musty flavor that thyme and sage do when they are dried. Chop the thyme up and get it into the cream mix. Cook the taters right in that, and save the cream after they are done. Transfer the cooked taters to a new bowl. Put a pad of butter in, and slowly start stirring the cream liquid back in as you mash em. That's right. (Imagine that in Trey Parker's voice from South Park). These are the best mashed potatoes I think that is humanly possible to craft. They are so fucking creamy, yet stiff and not glue like....and the fresh thyme and garlic infused into the cream is why culinary school exists. Definitely try this one at home kids.


Sadly, I didn't get a pic of the taters finished besides down below on the plate. That pic would go here:

This is my semi homemade Demi-Glace which is veal stock bones and bits cooked in a dark brown roux and veal stock for 18 hours reduced by 85% and once again cooked down with dry Sherry. Fortunately, Wegmans sells the brown part fresh and all thats left to do to make it authentic is to add super dry red wine or Sherry to double the volume of the original Wegmans tub and cook it covered for about 40m. This is a job for my mini Dutch oven so it doesn't need babysitting. Notice the color from the red wines. I used a combo of Dry Sherry and the last of the dry Pinot Noir I opened the other day when I made that DELICIOUS Baked Rigatoni dish with no pictures.

This is nature's asshole again. The attention whore is all oiled up and getting burned by flames and it wants you to notice.

The twin fillets. That's the hot corner of the grill with everything on 10. Don't overcook em!!

Nah....course not. Ooh yeah, that's what we like. Let em rest in a glass pan for a good 8-10m for the best results. Top pic is an out of focus pic of one of my Porterhouse Tails, and my fillet is under that.


Here is a quick montage of a little Rochester treat called Dave's Locker Clams Casino. These are made right down the road for the last 30 years, and are so good, they are the standard fare in most local restaurants around here. They are made with fresh live shucked Quahog clams, the clam is left in the shell, and their signature bacon, celery, and breadcrumb mix is packed on top and finished with a little paprika. To cook em, you place em under the broiler for about 12-15m. They are addicting and I want more. NOW.

This is what they look like after the broiler does it's thing. They come with 6 in a package and here is precisely ½ of that. That's three!!

And here is the finished product. I suppose it's like a genuine Thanksgiving dinner, as it doesn't fit on the plate. It was a genuine pain in the ass getting to this point and having everything come out together at the same time. It was fun, and my God was it delicious. Got a little steak, mashed and shrimp left for some Sunday lunch without the hassle. I also smoked some original GWK tonight in my Sherlock.


Ham coming soon...

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff

I have an immune response to beef - Anything from a cow. I have not had a steak or burger in 8 years. It sucks because a good BBQ rib-eye used to be a favorite meal. That steak in the upper right corner looks just right although you cooked it a bit too much for me. Man I can almost smell that yum yum yum.
I have an immune response to beef - Anything from a cow. I have not had a steak or burger in 8 years. It sucks because a good BBQ rib-eye used to be a favorite meal. That steak in the upper right corner looks just right although you cooked it a bit too much for me. Man I can almost smell that yum yum yum.
You're like my dad....he is a rare guy. I'm a mid rare guy, at least with my grill. It's just not quite hot enough to pull a legit rare and still have decent track marks. This was stop watch timed. It's something like this:

2m even
50° twist to get diamonds
Flip and brush the cooked side
50° twist
Rest for 7m

All wide open and top down to keep the heat over 500°F. I've come to the conclusion that I REALLY love a filet. I wanna go nuts and overnight some A5 Wagyu from Japan. I found a place with A5 rib cap for about $200 delivered and it's approximately 3.5 lbs of the best looking beef on the planet. Yes please.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Wagu is faked a lot! That is too cheap for the real deal.

Go out and look at Lobel's of New York. Before I was diagnosed with the bovine allergy I got a 27 day dry aged 7 bone prime rib roast from them. It was by far the best piece of beef I have ever eaten. I cooked it in my brick oven side by side with a prime rib from Costco. The Costco beef was horrible in comparison and it used to be my go to cut of meat.
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