Live Stoners Live Stoner Eats !!! Let's See what's for Dinner

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Beautiful nug of 2.0 there .... very nice

Thanks brother. It was very nice smoke, too! It was a freebie I got from Attitude a couple years back. I really didn't know what I had, so I took zero clones from her. She is in reveg now and doing fine.

I know this is a "What's For Dinner" thread @A- Train, but it's too early for that for me, so I will post my "Breakfast Of Champions" today. Hope you don't mind.

Started with this pic.........

but decided to make it a little more fun!


Couldn't decide on the best nose. (it's the purple, but don't tell the brandy) :peace:

Just wanted to add that I worked third shift, and I am off this is kind of like my dinner.
Been awhile fellas. Happy Memorial Day to all. Here we have some Bolognaise Spaghetti with Spicy Italian sausage and ground Chuck we ground ourselves....with Tuscan Garlic Bread from Wegmans (which is about the tastiest eating bread ever) and that sammich is a Virginia Ham, London Broil, and organic Turkey breast with Swiss and bannana peppers with Hellemans mayo on a Vienna Roll. That was a REALLY easy sammich to get

There called KAAHBS Joe
I best go easy on the pizza suppers....:pass:
Me too. But I don' A healthy dinner for me is a grilled chicken breast with a vinegar/acid marinade and some grilled veggies. Then I turn that healthy chicken into a bacon and swiss sammich...and it's shot....but OH SO TASTY.

There called KAAHBS Joe
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