I worked in a papermill making paper towel. There is very little in the paper actually. I see a lot of bullishit "scary chemicals " stories about them online. Yes the contain Formaldehyde and Chlorine. But let's set the record straight. You inhale more formaldehyde from one joint than you are exposed to in an entire roll of paper towel, and you just inhaled it!. And dabs contain even more because of the high temperatures. Formaldehyde begins forming in smoke and vapors at 450F. Now the amount of Formaldehyde it take to begin irritating your eyes and lungs is 3ppm..
The Chlorine and Formaldehyde has long since out-gassed long before it was even out in a wrapper.
And this is a quote from a CDC paper:
Formaldehyde is produced by cigarettes and other tobacco products, gas cookers, and open
fireplaces. It is also used as a preservative in some foods, such as some types of Italian cheeses, dried
foods, and fish. Formaldehyde is found in many products used every day around the house, such as
antiseptics, medicines, cosmetics, dish-washing liquids, fabric softeners, shoe-care agents, carpet cleaners,
glues and adhesives, lacquers, paper, plastics, and some types of wood product.
So when you see some blurb about there being "chemicals" in something, it's worth the time to see wether or not there is reason for concern, or the source is just some ignorant fool trying to scare people.
I believe very strongly in my tag line, show me the science! Question everything, especially when it seems negative!