Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I put both the branch and the plant on top of some foil. So I guess I should just keep an eye on when I see pollen on the foil? Then when I do, go shake the plant on top of some more foil to collect pollen?
I snip off the individual flowers, dehydrate them thoroughly in a dessication jar with a bag of freshly tuned up silca gel. zzonce the flowers are dry, I have used a couple of ways to apply pollen. I originally put them on a screen over a ~250ml mason jar and scrub them around in the screen to drop pollen into the jar, and then used a watercolor brush or small piece of sponge to apply pollen to flowers. However, I have now given that up for another technique. I now put an isolation bag over the target branch. put the dry flowers in a large syringe, give the syringe a damn good shake, and then inject pollen onto the target branch by quickly pumping the syringe back and forth to repeatedly stir up the pollen in the syringe and inject pollen laden air into the isolation bag and onto the branch. The injection bag tech usually gets hundreds of seeds off a single branch.

The bag I put over the target branch is sewn out of some scrap cloth, and the open end is gently tied to seal it around the base of the target branch. I moisten it before using so that any pollen that lands on it inside the bag is killed. I leave the bag in place for 4-5 or so hours, and then spray down the whole plant, bag and all, with plain water before removing the bag very gently while continuing to spray the branch as it emerges from the bag. So far, this has resulted in complete isolation of the target branch. As far as I know, I have not generated any seeds anywhere but on the branch treated in the bag. The latest tune up of the technique was mounting the large syringe onto the isolation bag with a foot or so of regular 1/4" irrigation tubing. A needle through the bag works well, but there is a risk of the needle coming out of the bag while pumping the air in and out, and if that happens, pollen ends up everywhere. Now how would I know that? :biggrin:
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Pretty sure peroxide works too! :d5:
I use diluted HCL (muriatic acid) to remove scale from stuff, most recently the wick in my humdifier which gets relatively hard water from the tap. I give it a good soak for several hours, then a good rinse, and it seems to keep trucking. :pighug:
I have a tsw2000 and it's a nice light but definitely too small for a 4x4. I used it in a 2.5x2.5
I have a TS 1000 to that I'll be using with it and it's the 2023 model @Hotfire and I just pulled the trigger on it cause I wss able to get it for $115 shipped plus a pack of beans from Mephisto which I had 2 of so I think I made out pretty good and I can't wait until after Xmas to get it setup in my 4x4. Also my 3 Bears OG is really starting to fill in Day 38 and I decided to just ignore the bottom fan leaves cause it's not affecting growth!
Thanks for the rep @Buzzard, and thanks to anyone else I missed. I have been away from this spot more than on it, and have no doubt missed someone! :)
12 doobies of Christmas
Happy holidaze n solstice AFN family :pass:
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Back atcha @Kyote, I hope the season goes well and enjoyably for you and yours. :pighug:
I've mentioned it before, but I have twin daughters who are autistic.

Well, we've done a couple movies lately, we went and saw Wonka the other day and they loved it.

They both also love the band AJR.

Well, they are coming to my city.

So I got us tickets.

My wife is going to work on getting them ready for the noises and stuff at a concert. But I think they are going to do awesome.
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