Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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was thinking last night what do the commercial guys use I doubt it’s MH or AC. I looked a Gavita’s briefly
They’re all over the map with what they use….. but it doesn’t really matter. You have to choose a light designed for your environment (tent)…..commercial growers are lighting a huge area….not the same.

I think FF didn’t like the medic light because it produced more heat than he could handle in his space.
They’re all over the map with what they use….. but it doesn’t really matter. You have to choose a light designed for your environment (tent)…..commercial growers are lighting a huge area….not the same.

I think FF didn’t like the medic light because it produced more heat than he could handle in his space.

You are right and he won the MH so it was a no brainer bigger light with removable driver
upgrading to a 5x5x80 after this grow

I looked but didn’t see “kits” only saw individual parts and wasn’t sure what I needed. They are discontinuing the old lights with the 2024 x3
wow, just looked it up and yeah no kits listed like the old ones.

I got a 5x5 and ended up going with a Photontek 1000W Co2 pro. It was right before they came out with the regular 1000W. Generally happy with it but pricey! Also, not much blue in the spectrum so I supplement. I already had the light controller since I have a 600W so that weighed my decision a lot. Have to take two of the middle bars out as it's too powerful!

Think for the price, the fc8000 is a great deal comparatively. Fruitz has one I think.

Most lights designed for 5x5 are $$$! I was looking at Grandmaster Leds Tarantula Tent Ultimate recently. Have seen some good stuff on that company, but once again pricey. Think it is $1200. They also make a 730 watt for a better deal. Wanna say it was a little over $700 and seems like a great deal for the price. Would look into it a bit more before pulling the trigger...

For the price, would personally go with that Grandmaster for 700ish or the mars
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My neighbor's shroom grow is starting to fruit. She's from Burundi. She didn't have much schooling, but she's good at farming African vegetables (amaranth, bitterball, etc.). She saw shrooms are $15/lb. in the store, so she wanted to try growing some. She has 16 gunny sacks of medium inoculated with several kinds of spores on shelves in the basement. I helped her partition off a 10x10 grow room using plastic sheeting hanging from 2x4's. She only speaks broken English (and Swahili and Kinyarwanda). She can't read much, so she didn't label the varieties. Anybody know what these are?
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Look like the Pearl Oysters, couple different white varieties. I'm doing the Blue and Pinks.
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