Coffee in Spain...tea in the UK.......

...need 2 cups and 3 joints Minimum to Move.......
Okey, so you’re an addict - of coffee aaaaaand tea?! O’boy this doesn’t sound to good
Coz we were too lazy assed to go shopping Saturday morning........

..then hubby forgot to get it when he went to the footie Saturday night.....then when he looked all sad having to go out for some on Sunday...I said Forget it......
I can agree with that, Sunday is the day off, no one should send their provider/husband/BF to the store on any conditions on that day. Well, I would have gone, but that’s just me. Kidding…. If it was more then some KM I would have dropped it.

And the rest..........

Yeah, say about 5 years over.
And...when has that ever stopped you....?...............
I don’t know really, hmm…. IRL I’m speechless, especially if I’m being around people I don’t know, or being under pressure

Just Gus with his ear cleared up..but the other hasn't he had another week of ear drops and a check this morning.....nowt costly or Scarey....
That’s sad to hear. I hope it gets better now when you’ve done this visit.
We are lucky to know a vet so it’s basically free when something needs to be done with the cats or the dog.
What were you doing posting before 6am this morning.........?....restless night.........
I can’t sleep, my watch tells me to wake up around 04.00 by automatic and do something, been like this for over a week now. I think it has to do with age and maturity. But it could be something else… I should probably ask the gods, they might know.
If my calculations and are correct, it can be like this for 10-14 years - or longer, it depends on various reasons.
My misses don’t like it, that’s for sure. Haha. But at least I hit the gym - for her sake and my. Funny hobby.