Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Cigarette smoke naturally contains about 200-300 times more Diacetyl than those Eliquids that formerly used it in their recipes.

Day 18 Girls are just chugging along not much happening everyone was dry enough for a watering today :watering:



Twenty20 Durban Twist



Fastbuds Gorilla Punch hard to tell cause she's bushy but i ended up FIMing her the wrong way and caught one the branched I was suppose to leave. Probably should have left her alone but I did some LST to her the other day since there's only one top anyways :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl:



Laughing Hyena 99 Skunks



Citrus Noir x Stone99 V6


I'm trying something little different then i ever done before. I got some wicking rope for the growbags going to see how this works if not i just stick to top watering. The 5 gallon pot i just using a simple plant saucer and t risers stacked with the rope running down through. The 6.6 gallon bag it a bit big for any of my saucers so i had this idea of using my small EZ-PZ runoff tray but not let it runoff. I laid the ropes out in the tray with the wicking area down in the lowest part

Everyone got a liter bottom water Eb's and pots with humic, yucca, hydroguard, and Mammoth P once they've drunk that down I'll give them a slight dry back before doing it again







Day 18 Girls are just chugging along not much happening everyone was dry enough for a watering today :watering:



Twenty20 Durban Twist



Fastbuds Gorilla Punch hard to tell cause she's bushy but i ended up FIMing her the wrong way and caught one the branched I was suppose to leave. Probably should have left her alone but I did some LST to her the other day since there's only one top anyways :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl:



Laughing Hyena 99 Skunks



Citrus Noir x Stone99 V6



Sir, that is a rock solid looking grow.

Hats off to you.
Good Morfnoevight All you happy Sunday live stoners.

I had a little salad and chicken soup. System went full IBS today. I don't think I ate a trigger food. Sometime and hopefully not too often it can just tick off :sad:.

I had to rake and mulch the leaves from the front yard Chinese Pistache It took several hours. It took all of the strength I could muster, the IBS leaves me weak as a kitten. It was a really good thing I had starting fluid for the old 5HP chipper shredder, I can barely turn that thing over. It is direct drive to the heavy cutting arms so you have to spin all of that weight to get her going. I only use this machine once a year now. It is a leftover from my farming days. I have put literally tons and tons of leaves and brush through that machine. It is an older version of this one.

I was putting the snow shovel away upside down in the rack :crying::crying::crying: ( we don't get snow but if I called it a leaf shovel you would not know what I was talking about) and the damn thing slipped out of my hand and caught the other like a guillotine - I was afraid to look because it hurt so bad. :doh: Just a couple of broken blood veins :sadcry:


Did I tell you about the first time I went to Kefalonia....Greece......

I was only used to first coffeee was Delicious...I watched the cafe owner...Nescafe...go figure...:shrug:...found a supermarket that sold the same tin...took it home..tried it........... and was tasted exacty the same as the Nescafe from the UK....

It was the Water that was different.....:headbang:...the natural water is mineral rich....and it was that that made the coffee taste much richer and stronger.....:pass:
If you have soft water put a tiny pinch of salt in your coffee, make a huge difference in flavors.
Yup...........I Love Greece......... :headbang: ....

At the time in the UK we were on those electric showers with the little tank on...instant hot water....but you had to dance under it to make sure you got wet all over.....:vibe:

When we went into the bathroom in Kefalonia I saw my first Power Shower and wetroom......just one big room with a shower and two half walls......

when hubby come out of the shower ...I said so... what are the two half walls for.....?

He said to Brace yourself.........:crying: ..that shower is powerful enough to take the skin off your back.....:coffee:

It was Amazing....we got one as soon as they got to the UK......:pass:

I like a hose on my shower head, when traveling I always enquire about a hose attachment in the shower at prospective hotels. If one is not available I have a plastic one and duct tape so I can rig something up. I was taking a head off once and the pipe broke inside the wall. It was true when I told the front desk the shower was broke. I just did not mention how it got broken -- I hate plumbing.
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