Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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When in the desert, we planted a meyer lemon (and a darcy lime?) Can't remember if the second was a lime, anyway, we seem to plant trees, then move.
There's dwarf varieties of all sorts of citrus trees that never get over 8ft tall. Ours are in containers :pass:
Welp….this afternoon turned into a real shit show….the day slowly devolved into a full on ptsd episode that lasted about four hours. :cuss: I was able to finish dinner, but it was a chore. No idea what set it off today….something at the grocery store (I just had to have biscuits lol)….but not positive what. It’s the worst part of this shit… can’t avoid what you don’t know causes it. :wall:

Welp….this afternoon turned into a real shit show….the day slowly devolved into a full on ptsd episode that lasted about four hours. :cuss: I was able to finish dinner, but it was a chore. No idea what set it off today….something at the grocery store (I just had to have biscuits lol)….but not positive what. It’s the worst part of this shit… can’t avoid what you don’t know causes it. :wall:

post biscuit stress, i feel for ya bro, truly :rolleyes1: ppp
Thanks @Nannymouse :bighug: :pass: These types of episodes aren’t anger based, since there’s not a discernible trigger ….these ones are anxiety based….you feel it coming on with enough time to vacate the premises… it’s honestly comparable to a bad psychedelic trip. No clue (really) what sets them off. They used to happen all of the time…but this is the first one I’ve had of this magnitude in years.
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