Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Thanks guys I agree it's definitely not lost I get it all some how :nono::lildab::thanks:
Once u get used to it u will be able to use just the end of blade so it doesn’t stick all over! Then just use auto feature if u don’t mind it taking an extra second! That way falls off once gets to sweet spot vs getting super hot right away!

Idk why this just has me geeking

Lmao it needs a new blade but i found my OG cocaine choppy tool in my shoebox if old paraphernalia when i was looking for my whippit cracker the other day to get a pic! :rofl:


Same tired old bastards in the capitol tho and we are one of the few states with no option for a statewide vote on canna! Gotta be the ones in office to do it and we have 1 piece of shit who keeps refusing to put any canna bill up for final senate vote! I mean go from house passing legal option to committees hacking it down to just decriminalizing it and then dude still refuses to put it up for the very last vote needed! :cuss::deadhorse:
Well this is cannabis related and it's not political. It factual!
The Texas Lieutenant Governor is Dan Patrick. The lieutenant governor in the state of Texas controls what bills hit the Senate floor.
There have been Quite a large number of very good medical cannabis bills that he has refused to let hit the Senate floor to even let them vote on!
The Compassionate care program? It has about as much compassion for the people as I do for eradicating fire ants!
Two election cycles ago, I heard on the radio that this munchkin was gonna make a campaign appearance and I happened to be pretty close to the area. It was definitely detour time. I got there early and got front row seat! I had a US Navy related shirt on and I had my "Medicated Veteran.............. For your protection!" hat on!:biggrin::cools:

He made a comment during his feet about his 'caring for the people'.

"Liar! If you actually cared about Veterans and other people in need, you'd have a real Compassionate Use Program instead of the crap we have now!"
I did catch his gaze, but he continued right along without missing the beat! Now, a state trooper did come over toward me. He got within 6 feet of me and I told him in no uncertain terms, "Get the fuck away from me you piece of shit!" You could see it in his eyes, he was barely able to control himself. He did move even closer. I changed my facial expression to something friendly, motioned him over, "Come here let me tell you something!"
He moved to about three feet of me and kind of leaned slightly in. ..........." If you attempt to violate any of my constitutional rights in the next few minutes, I will have your qualified immunity, end your career, take all your money, your boyfriend will leave you And you will be living in a trailer down by the river!"

I think I caught him by surprise!:funny::funny::funny:
He looked a bit confused and then I think he caught one of the news media's cameras panning over to our area and he moved back and retook his position.
I had listened to enough bullshit, but I stayed around long enough to make sure Mr Trooper didn't think he ran the off. I flipped in the bird as I left. He didn't like it at all!:funny::cools::biggrin:

I just highly doubt that Patrick will ever change his position. I thought maybe there might have been a possibility when the Governor said that he would sign a good medical program bill. I hear the same from other people that are far more into getting a program institute here in Texas.

If the power is to be would ever come up with someone that wasn't an absolute idiot to oppose him, They would get my vote for sure. It hasn't happened.

I could tell that trooper wanted to piece my ass................BAD!:funny::funny::funny:
I kept glancing over at him and when I saw I caught his eye, I would smile at him.:biggrin:

I think I'm gonna get me a shirt made and wear it to some campaign speeches.
On the front: I still honor my oath....... How about you?
On the back: The oath that I swore and took many times while in the Navy. Maybe make the "domestic" part highlighted.:cools:
Well this is cannabis related and it's not political. It factual!
The Texas Lieutenant Governor is Dan Patrick. The lieutenant governor in the state of Texas controls what bills hit the Senate floor.
There have been Quite a large number of very good medical cannabis bills that he has refused to let hit the Senate floor to even let them vote on!
The Compassionate care program? It has about as much compassion for the people as I do for eradicating fire ants!
Two election cycles ago, I heard on the radio that this munchkin was gonna make a campaign appearance and I happened to be pretty close to the area. It was definitely detour time. I got there early and got front row seat! I had a US Navy related shirt on and I had my "Medicated Veteran.............. For your protection!" hat on!:biggrin::cools:

He made a comment during his feet about his 'caring for the people'.

"Liar! If you actually cared about Veterans and other people in need, you'd have a real Compassionate Use Program instead of the crap we have now!"
I did catch his gaze, but he continued right along without missing the beat! Now, a state trooper did come over toward me. He got within 6 feet of me and I told him in no uncertain terms, "Get the fuck away from me you piece of shit!" You could see it in his eyes, he was barely able to control himself. He did move even closer. I changed my facial expression to something friendly, motioned him over, "Come here let me tell you something!"
He moved to about three feet of me and kind of leaned slightly in. ..........." If you attempt to violate any of my constitutional rights in the next few minutes, I will have your qualified immunity, end your career, take all your money, your boyfriend will leave you And you will be living in a trailer down by the river!"

I think I caught him by surprise!:funny::funny::funny:
He looked a bit confused and then I think he caught one of the news media's cameras panning over to our area and he moved back and retook his position.
I had listened to enough bullshit, but I stayed around long enough to make sure Mr Trooper didn't think he ran the off. I flipped in the bird as I left. He didn't like it at all!:funny::cools::biggrin:

I just highly doubt that Patrick will ever change his position. I thought maybe there might have been a possibility when the Governor said that he would sign a good medical program bill. I hear the same from other people that are far more into getting a program institute here in Texas.

If the power is to be would ever come up with someone that wasn't an absolute idiot to oppose him, They would get my vote for sure. It hasn't happened.

I could tell that trooper wanted to piece my ass................BAD!:funny::funny::funny:
I kept glancing over at him and when I saw I caught his eye, I would smile at him.:biggrin:

I think I'm gonna get me a shirt made and wear it to some campaign speeches.
On the front: I still honor my oath....... How about you?
On the back: The oath that I swore and took many times while in the Navy. Maybe make the "domestic" part highlighted.:cools:
She was qualified and on the program for a trial fir nerve pain but had to stop getting it cuz it was over $200 for 60 10mg gummies thru that damn program! Way inflated costs for gummies that sucked balls! My mom got em for a while cuz her dr let her supplement with her homemade gummies!
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