I had that cranked one night at starting line at a little 8th mile drag strip Just west of Abilene. I was there just testing some suspension mods and was just there testing to the 330 mark.
That was my intention when I went there, but some silly little kid with a Camaro decided he wanted to lay a little bit of money on the line. I hadn't even cracked my bottles open that night, but I obliged him.
I had already walked through the pits and looked around while I was cooling down between rounds. I had already spotted this kiddo not because the car or for him, but for the hot girl that was in his pits! I can definitely tell she was an athlete and
she was built!

They were about three pits down from me. I made sure to catch her eye every time I passed by. And she would smile.

She probably said something to the guy and that's why he called me out. She followed him over and I kept catching her eyes if she would shyly turn away, but smile while she was doing it. The kid come out with some low ball figure that I just looked at him and told him he had to come up with a bit more to race me!
I had watched this kid go to line before, so I knew he was an amateur and a half.
I even told the kid to go around the water and then back into it so he doesn't get his front tires wet since he had street tires up front.
was pretty pathetic how badly I treed him at the light
. And then there was the Nitrous! Oh she come out of the hole hard with her wheels up in the air. I shifted second a little early to bring the front end down and I never saw the kid.
They both came over to my pits with the payoff.
He was a pretty good loser though. He wanted to know what I'd done to the car and all.
As our conversation was going, I kept catching those little glances from Little Miss. I had some nice drag seats installed and Little Miss was eyeballing them. So I just asked her flat out have you ever been in a drag car down the strip. She said no and I asked her would you like to, I can talk to the track owner. Ohh, she brightened up like I offered her $1,000,000!
I called up the track owner told him what I wanted to do and the situation.
I grabbed the second helmet out of my trailer and walked over to their pits. I hadn't heard the helmet and told her you're gonna need this! Let's go!
I want to give her a good show, so I upped my launch RPM by a little bit.

My girl hooked and made a run! Little Miss thoroughly enjoyed her ride! I drove to my pits and Little Miss It stayed with me in my pits since her friend was back in line to race. I offered her drink and something to eat, but she just took the beer...........Shiner naturally. Well, they had an oil down and her friend was stuck in line.
After about 45 minutes, I told her that I'm gonna start to pack up. She asked me if I needed help. And we proceeded to pack up!
She nonchalantly asked me what was I doing next. Catching a little twinkle in her eye, I told her I was famished and was gonna find a place to eat. I asked her where a good barbecue place was and she enthusiastically told me of the one that was her favorite. So I just come out and ask her if she wanted to accompany me and she jumped at the chance.
Once away from the track she really opened up and we had a very interesting conversation. the conversation was so interesting, I almost wanted to forgo the barbecue!

Well it turned out, Even with me being a barbecue snob, it was pretty damn good.
Ohh, it was definitely good that I ate too. I sure as hell needed the energy a little while later!

She was definitely an athlete! That girl had some endurance!