Old cow should just have an identity of its own because it does not taste like what Mericans are expecting.
Surprisingly.....it Tasted Exactly what my expectation of really good steak should be....

...and it was all to do with the fat...it smelled and tasted like Gnarley BEEF........Delicious..........

Nostalgia with it...like I Recognise that smell.....like cooking a beef joint in a really hot oven....or BB..when it just starts to catch....
I'm having Hankerings for it.......But...the only place i've seen it is in a big town... 30-40 minutes away...with xmas traffic...and the might not have any in...........

..so the fantasies can wait until we have to go for something else.......
It is the Only steak I have seen them cook over Flame on a bbq......rather than embers........they hang it on a slant...so the fat bastes the meat as it cooks......

...I'd be up for trying that............
The Other different one we tried was a Between stage one.....it was Older than Veal...but not as old as the usual steaks we get.
It was slightly dearer than normal steak..but our butcher recommended trying it....
It Looked like fillet steak....which put me off......

...no fat no taste.....in my cook shop......

Tried it...absolute Crap........taste and texture were right off........if i'd blind taste tested I would have guessed veggie meat alternative...or something lab grown...it was that bad...
I couldn't have told you what meat I was eating...and texture felt like the cheap pork chops they pump up with watter......spit..spit......no way Jose.......


...I'm Starving...............again..................I've been blaming the frogs....but a morning of abstinence says it might be the Cold weather too........
