Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Anybody around here have a robot vacuum? Wife wants one for Christmas :pass:
Boss does. Works great, got a cat and 3 dogs in the building so it has to get cleaned a lot but whatever right, still better than sweepin. We got a step halfway through the building so we gotta pick it up n drop it down a level too
@JP1 got some coming too get them while they last seems like everyone is clicking... I forgot how quiet they are when their new I just put both mine in the last couple days

Mine is coming Thursday according to tracking. I do have another one that still working totally fine :pass: Great to see that they're totally good with honoring their warranty. Need to get them to sponsor things around here :bong:
jp1 said:
Mine is coming Thursday according to tracking. I do have another one that still working totally fine :pass: Great to see that they're totally good with honoring their warranty. Need to get them to sponsor things around here

Yeah that would be sweet or to see anymore grow equipment vendors to sponsor more stuff here:headbang::vibe:

P.S. you made that really difficult to quote and I don't think it works right just looks right :whew:
Yeah that would be sweet or to see anymore grow equipment vendors to sponsor more stuff here:headbang::vibe:

P.S. you made that really difficult to quote and I don't think it works right just looks right :whew:
I don't know how that happened and I couldn't figure out how to fix it :pass: Not the 1st time I've had that happen:toke:
I don't know how that happened and I couldn't figure out how to fix it :pass: Not the 1st time I've had that happen:toke:

Some how you cursor got inside the box you can get out of it some sometime by having your cursor at the bottom and hitting return it will jump out. Other wise you need to hit bb code button and move the quoting brackets [ ]
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