Yup survived thank you
Still here barely about to go to bed go my garden stuff taken care and tomorrow i have to get about of outside chores season changing things taken care plus clean garage in order to do so
Day 2
Everyone is doing great and I noticed roots had made it to the bottom of Solo's so it was time to transplant. I transplanted FB Gorilla Punch into a 6.6 gallon Honor The Plant TLS 2.0 grow bag and Twenty20 Durban Twist into a 5 gallon TLS bag. Then moved everyone into the 3x3 got the light running around 60% 230 ppfd @ 40"running 18/6.
Gave each pot a hefty dusting of Great White rooting powder and 1.5 tbsp Dynomyco then watered everyone in with 1 gallon 100ppm Tap/RO blend with .125g kelp, .35 humic, .08 amino, .08 omina, .02 yucca, 1.5ml Hydroguard, and .6ml Mammath p ~ ph to 6.3 + Gnatrol Organic BTI
each pot and eb jr got little over liter each and were still not fully saturated they were still a touch light so they'll get another watering in couple days earlier then normal
Durban Twist left 99 Skunks Right
Gorilla Punch Left Durban Twist right