Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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It's going great my friend! Rogan himself is a nutter.. :rofl: but I like him...
I like to think that he has a very open minded and doesnt like to discredit stuff that he doesnt have first hand experience with. Not that I believe half the stuff Ive heard so far, but I dont think he believes most of his guests either.
Forgot to post this over here last night:baked: 4x4 tent day 25 seeing sex on most of the girls :headbang::pass:
Deep restful sleep is one of our Most Important meds........:pass:.
I hear that. I like to make Rosin gummies n tinctures, on the strong side for nite time. I find between 150-200 MG is perfect for me at night. It puts me down hard but I can still wake up at 4am and not be groggy or still high.
Hey Ive been meaning to ask you about the hangers. Is that to give a little extra room?
Yeah works as a high cfm works really well. The light hangers worked good but start breaking so I got thicker ones. They work really well almost most too well and stretches the tent to its max. I saw it on Reddit
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