Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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I’m ready to transplant from my 2 gallon container, into a 7 gallon container.
Should I water the new medium until runoff?
Seems like a lot of water for the little rootball?
With no need to search for moisture, the roots wont need to grow, and when the roots hit bottom, the moisture has been sitting for days, if not a week. No oxygen, settled salts.
“What you need to learn about watering will come with practice. Here are the basic rules: Never let the soil dry out. Soil and or coco can become hydrophobic if allowed to dry. This means it repels water. This in turn will create dry pockets in the soil and the roots and microbes will die there. If your soil - coco have accidentally dried out use a surfactant to help re-wet it. I like yucca powder. Don't let soil remain soggy by watering too much too often. Root rot, damping off, molds, fungus gnats and other problems start in soggy soil. When you do water water the entire pot. How to learn when to water starts before you plant the seed. Fill your container with fresh soil/coco and weigh it (heft it) this is the lightest weight and consider it a dry pot. Now slowly water until the soil/coco will no longer absorb the water and run-off begins; weigh the pot (heft it) this is the maximum water, the wettest the pot can get. The difference between wettest and driest is the maximum water weight, for ease of explanation lets just say the water weighs 20 pounds. When the pot loses 10 pounds (half of the water weight) it is time to water again. There is an art to watering.”
watering by weight IMO is probably the most fail safe way of doing that… touch the soil is it dry? then lift the pot is it light? Use both factors to determine when to water again
the moisture has been sitting for days, if not a week. No oxygen, settled salts
They do grow in the ground, and I'd bet there's some form of aeration in your soil mix... Also, there's no actual salt. That's just the "name" for how liquid fertilizers are made (has to do with ions and shit). Most likely overthinking things bud. Pictures always help too :pass:
They do grow in the ground, and I'd bet there's some form of aeration in your soil mix... Also, there's no actual salt. That's just the "name" for how liquid fertilizers are made (has to do with ions and shit). Most likely overthinking things bud. Pictures always help too :pass:
Don’t worry

Well cripes. I've let the grandson pick out the beer based on the "pictures" and I am roasty toasty....... This double IPA is a mean business. I'm off to the couch for a sit. I'm a bit dizzy!

I didn't check the label but it's 9.5% and I've done 3


Well cripes. I've let the grandson pick out the beer based on the "pictures" and I am roasty toasty....... This double IPA is a mean business. I'm off to the couch for a sit. I'm a bit dizzy!

I didn't check the label but it's 9.5% and I've done 3


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