You might have to destroy a tray by cutting out the section where the valve snaps in and using epoxy to secure it to the bottom of your earthbox so the valve doesn't float.
Provide a constant water supply to your EarthBox planter boxes with our no-hassle automatic watering system for potted plants. Just set it and forget it.
Dremel tool with a cutting disk it should be easy. Just go from the bottom side, cut out the whole bottom then trim off what you don't need. I would at least leave the plastic that's under the whole valve.
@FullMoonparty this plan won’t work regardless! Auto valves only let out so much water and won’t let out enough to submerge itself and an earthbox holds 3gal of water so way more then one of them valves can supply!
Provide a constant water supply to your EarthBox planter boxes with our no-hassle automatic watering system for potted plants. Just set it and forget it.
@FullMoonparty this plan won’t work regardless! Auto valves only let out so much water and won’t let out enough to submerge itself and an earthbox holds 3gal of water so way more then one of them valves can supply!
I’ve thought rigging up a pump and timer with pressure compensating drip emitters that way I know how much water is dispensed and could set it to turn off just before Rez is full full. So as long as you know how long it takes for plant(s) to drink the Rez it should work but I haven’t tried it yet next summer I may for long weekends
@FullMoonparty this plan won’t work regardless! Auto valves only let out so much water and won’t let out enough to submerge itself and an earthbox holds 3gal of water so way more then one of them valves can supply!
Should work no matter the size of the "tray"....they use the same valve in their single trays and the twin pot trays. Just looked on site and they have setup for planters and narrow beds ( AQUAbox straight ) and wide raised beds ( AQUAbox Spyder.....
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