Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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My kids said there was to much cheese :nono:
It was cut and boxed while it was still too hot. Gotta let cream sauces and certain cheeses rest a bit to firm up before cutting, boxing and transporting :thumbsup: Bet it was nice and hot when it got to you though :shrug:
It was cut and boxed while it was still too hot. Gotta let cream sauces and certain cheeses rest a bit to firm up before cutting, boxing and transporting :thumbsup: Bet it was nice and hot when it got to you though :shrug:
That it was. Honestly I always feel lazy not going to pick it up since it’s right around the corner from my house.
The fun part of the grow!
I get to :naughtystep: the girls into shape!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows::rofl:
21 days above ground.
LOL, I haven't broken a glass bong or component in months, probably.over a year now, I was due..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Ok I know someone on here was breaking chillums left m right but couldn’t remember who!
Ok I turned my fans off...took pollen from dark jedi, devils cream, and banana purple punch...put some on a Q tip and
On Jack's Dream, Glueberry OG, Skunk auto, Fog Dog, and Grease Gun... I rubbed some pollen on one bud site on each plant....Glueberry got banana purple punch, Jack's Dream got devils cream and the rest got dark jedi....I also turned up the rh high so it will make the pollen long should I keep fans off? Anyone know?
I started school in 1995 and we had computer labs. My grandpa got me started on the internet like 4 years later and we were learning coding in school by middle school. My kids never had tablets in school but the boys have had laptops for school since like 3rd grade. Not sure why that's an issue considering most jobs require computer skills... most kids are better with tech than the majority of older adults I've worked with honestly.
We had giant apple computers and learned “tell turtle” in elementary school! :crying:
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