Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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TY @Olderfart

I'm begining to think using my tap water is a big mistake I've got an EC/TDS meter on the way to see if the water thru my block carbon filter is better. Being 1/2 cheap ass Italian and 1/4 skin flint dutch it KILLS me to run 1/3 my water down the drain or shell out for RO water at a store lol.
My delivered water is worse, at least you don't have to pay for truck delivery. I am still, after this grow, thinking about whether I would be better off just sucking up the water loss of an RO system rather than dragging snow in to be melted, and then throwing a third or more of it down the drain.

The jury is out, but the convenience is hard to ignore. :cheers: :pighug:
My tap waters ppm ranges from 45-105 depending on time of year. Lower in winter. But my local water company gives us the most worthless and uninformative water test results. I don't have a clue what's in it, and I aint paying 100's of dollars to find out. I showed it to MOG when he was helping me one time and he was speechless.
Damn, this time you just about made me spew my red wine. Who is this McIlwaine dude, I haven't run into his stuff before. He might be up there with Larsen, and that would be an accomplishment. :crying::worship:
I dont know him. If I see something on facebook, that makes me laugh, I share it here.
I dont know him. If I see something on facebook, that makes me laugh, I share it here.
Well, you have good taste (IMO of course) when it comes to funny cartoons. Keep them coming! :worship:
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