Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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The main thing here is to move slow don't be throwing too much of anything at that plant. If you have it I would add .5g (total) of soluble gypsum to your regular fertigation once every other feeding. Stop the Mg.
Thanks for the reps auntie wife made a roasted chicken for dinner with the fixings :drool:

Party on :headbang:
That is a really good deal!!
I'm pretty sure the analytical guys at work keep thier pH meters in a storage soln when not in use. They are probably way more precise than our needs.
Still might not hurt to have the replaceable probe and possibly a calibration soon above 7 as well. They'd tell ya that if your calibrated from 4 to 7 you only know it's right between those 2 data points and anything outside is a black box. Again they need to be way more precise than our needs and even that 20 seems like a fantastic deal
I'm just using pH paper at the moment.
I tried the paper, I tried the drops, they both suck. Matching colors is hard, and the differences in color within the range we are targeting are small. No doubt I kept things somewhere in the ballpark, but doing the job with a meter is a hell of a lot easier and less frustrating. I wouldn't go back except temporarily as an emergency measure.

The Aperas are the best deals out there for cheap meters, and IMO, the PH60 is the best because the probe can be replaced for not a heck of a lot more than what you would pay for a junk meter. My first one stayed in calibration for its entire life. I checked it regularly, but it was always within ~0.02 or so, which is way more precise than I need. Variation in plant behaviour will be a far larger influence than 0.02 difference in pH. I store the probe in KCL that I mix myself. It the meter ain't in use, it is in its cap with KCL solution.

If you are on the fence about a pH meter, the pH60 Apera would be my recommendation. :pighug:
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