Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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2600 PAGEZ, WOOT!! :yay1: we already set the new all-time record back on page #2514, but still have T- 2.5d to go, so by all meanz -> keep yakkin ur assez off! :blahblah: :headbang: ppp
I'm pretty sure that is the breed that my brother (silly fellow) bought a pair of. It did not go well, but I am not sure about the details. All I know is that the family was hound free at the next contact. We don't chat much. :biggrin:
Lmao. I want one but I definitely dont have the room for one. They can probably be a handful, especially young.
hey, i kept refreshing & was def waitin for it, but then suddenly, everybody posted at once, lol....sillee stonerz :face: ppp
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