Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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est of the group is doing good! Still have no clue what them yellow leaves are from so guess I’ll have to do the compare and guess and hope for best method I usually implore! :crying:

Hungry? the last round looked much greener and you thought they were needing something around this time :d5:
Ya but y’all are supposed to have a top tier passing defense and Dak lit em up after that first idiotic interception! Dallas D also not doing as great lately but we got several starters out and y’all had everyone back! Hopefully ol Gardner gonna be yalls dude for next couple weeks! Need yall to finish out 0-2 in the next 2! :eyebrows::d5:
Yea, our D was terrible. The tie breaker for the year will probably be a playoff game in Philly. It's a great rivalry.
Hungry? the last round looked much greener and you thought they were needing something around this time :d5:
Lmao no bro last round got no topdress or nothing on old dilapidated thrice used soil so by bloom they were all kinds of wonky! These had new soil and a light topdress but still seemed hungry so been doing once a week top watering with the GLB stuff but still seem to be lacking something! To me from what I remember reading in the past (and prob ain’t remembering much) it looked to me to be calcium and not sure that GLB has anything with good amount of Ca so wasn’t sure if maybe it was from the RO that had em hungry….but thats if it is indeed calcium but i suck at diagnosing via picture comparison!
Made it back to Ogreberry trim jail...
Yea, our D was terrible. The tie breaker for the year will probably be a playoff game in Philly. It's a great rivalry.
For sure! Both matchups this season were 1 score games and both times one of our teams was rocking the backup QB!
Oh but ya Dale they seem to be hungry just mot sure for what and since they getting an actual nute regimen for a change i just need to know what is needing increasing! Especially since only on the 2 devils lettuce plants so just need to tweak their feeds! :d5:
Lmao no bro last round got no topdress or nothing on old dilapidated thrice used soil so by bloom they were all kinds of wonky! These had new soil and a light topdress but still seemed hungry so been doing once a week top watering with the GLB stuff but still seem to be lacking something! To me from what I remember reading in the past (and prob ain’t remembering much) it looked to me to be calcium and not sure that GLB has anything with good amount of Ca so wasn’t sure if maybe it was from the RO that had em hungry….but thats if it is indeed calcium but i suck at diagnosing via picture comparison!
:shrug: definitely look hungry whether is is calcium is hard to tell from here...Closer pics? looks like N orbut guess it could be ca
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