I've been in coco now for at least 5 years, (for a couple yrs before I was mixing 50/50 with
Ocean Forest with great results outdoors). The same review that claimed the Amazon seller sold knockoffs and suggested going to the website to find vendors. I found the site, but couldn't get the retailer link to work. I haven't checked any other manufactures other than HP Digital because they were under $20. Does anyone have a recommendation for decent TDS meter for less than $50?
I have an older 96 F-150 that I drive a lot, (it's a lot easier to climb my big ass in it than my 4x4), and with a V-6 ... it gets decent gas mileage. I have noticed that it runs better when I put premium in it.
I wonder why they don't post the full report? Like I said earlier, I'm kind of paranoid about asking.