Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Good morning/afternoon everyone, 48*f and a light drizzle, heavier rain later......of course Missy just had to go out....
Coffee is nice, need a second cup now!

Morning @Talonxracer .... :pass: ...sharing one....I Think another cup of coffee is in order here too............:coffee:
I'll just bet that smells really nice. :biggrin: :worship:

My extraction fan blows directly outside so I don't get much smell till I open the tent.... then all bets are off. Nice sweet smell. I'll have to grab a small bud as a tester. Looking forward to some new flavors.
Evening all. I hope everyone had or are going to have a good one. Just chill'n and waiting for some drying before I brown bag. I have to scrub the tent down because of white flies so I an start the winter grow.

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Thanks for the rep @Zer0 always excited for new flavors and fresh buds to share for the holidays.

Looking forward to try another round of dry ice hash. My last batch didn't dry out enough and went bad but the samples i saved were tasty.
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