Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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So I have been playing around different brand press bags and haven't been able to figure out which I prefer I have been sticking with dabpress and nugsmasher... I was not a fan of the press clubs bags they bust very easy.. so I've been going back and forth between 2"x4" 90 micron dabpress bags and 2.6"x3" 90micron nugsmasher bags I find that yield is very similar most the time it's the same either one will beat the other but by very little... While with the nugsmasher bags I find the quality to be bit more consistent with less bag breakage.. I can get the same results with dabpress but need to be careful to not over press and bust the bag or put less in but then it becomes more steps and pressing more bags :joy:

Strawberry microverse 7grams

nugsmasher 90 micron 2.6"x3" 210f 1 min warmup>3 min press


Dabpress 2"x4" 90 micron 210f 1 min warmup>3 min press


I just mix it all up and smoke but keep thinking about switching to NS bags but they are pricey so for now I keep trying both keep the DP bags on hand since they are cheaper but keep playing with NS bags till I come to final conclusion

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