Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Just gotta take the clone well before flower to make it worth it. :pass:

They will still Autoflower but it's handy for makin seeds and stuff.

Little bit of it on this thread
Yeah now that you say that I do remember reading about guys doing that before I came here… guess it does make since for that purpose has anyone else here been doing it? Also FYI I am going to have to try it some day :eek1::goodluck::rofl::rofl:
Thanks for the reps mossy

Good Morfnoevight all you happy stoners!

Thanks @Mañ'O'Green it sure is! :pass:
Only thing is I get cold just looking at it :snow2:.

Ms MOG feels well enough that she is going in circles. She don't sit still long. I am not complaining; I just got some fresh Ginger Snaps.

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