Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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:yay1: Shout Out @automan2 you doing....?
Good mornin' Stoners, and thanks for asking @Mossy .

The complication of a LBBB that was causing so many problems was finally addressed/solved and I actually feel like a re-wired man.

The new implant has had 6 weeks of 'testing' and so far I haven't surpassed it's limitations. More breath is a very good thing.

I started on this 'restoration' project a year ago and after a couple of failed invasions of my body, I trust the last one 'fixed' something.

Resynchronization of our primary 'engine' appears to help a lot of things.

Tending my grow was my only reason to get up sometimes and they suffered a bit but we all know weed grows by itself mostly.

I can still report that my homegrown weed has been my only source of relief....
Trying a new soil. Got it from my local kinda any way hydro store. Its bone dry so i have to rewet it but it 50/50 perlite to peat. Anyone used it before?? Tell me what you think its by rogue soil
No-one but no-one said to him Trash them.
I know...I type all kinds of stuff and then hit the backspace instead of posting not wanting to step on reason I'm doing my experiment is for a hopefully an informed write up with pics that can be pointed to as an example of keeping it simple.
Yup........... :pass: too.............................

Sounds like a Plan to me.........:pass:....enoy your day........:bighug:...I'll save a joint for you when you are Done.....

I do that a lot type delete reword type delete:wall::face: and I would never tell someone to trash their plants BUT do try to tell everyone I see there giving it too much of everything most of the time
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Yeah thats what I was getting when I tried checking my journal notifications
I couldn't even get that far.. I was able to get the enter or leave page click enter and it would time out saw my alerts once then never made it back to forum screen till about 30min.... how ever long I've been on for :shrug: :pass:
Thanks for the tips :pass:

I did a lot of research and so did most of what you suggested. I really wanted it to be successful because I wouldn't be home to monitor.

Only things I haven't done was the drippers (on order), and using a syringe on the caps. I soaked them overnight, caps and carrots. Tapped on them to get the air out, and put the caps on all while keeping submerged. Let them soak overnight again to make sure no more bubbles showed up.

When I get back I'll try the syringe thing. They actually came with a pipette but there was nowhere in the directions on what to use it for, and nothing online or in bothered me because I knew it had a purpose but couldn't find any info on it.

Also heard that packing some regular sticky wet soil from outside around the carrot before burying it helps prevent dry spots by the carrot in light soils. The 707 mix has some coco in it, so its a bit more airy than what I usually use.

Just hoping the plants survive the crazy watering until I get home to fix everything :naughtystep:
U use that pipette to do the method i said with the medicine syringe! The syringe is just easier to suck up the water and then inject it with lil more force! Also the pot being totally saturated is key! If when u installed them they came on in under say 5 days either pot wasn’t moist enough or soil isnt packed tightly around the carrot! After packing soil around the carrot really snug go ahead and turn dial to totally turn carrot off! Use watering can and slowly topwater til pot is totally as wet as it will get! Then go about opening the carrot and letting lil water flow and then do the hanging drip thing! Make sure you let it hang there a good 10sec to make sure its at proper spot and then dial it back the 2 spots! I will snag a lil video of mine so u can see how slowly they should drip when they open! Once u set the flow tho if u try to mess with it and adjust literally just going up 1 full notch is enough for it to go from super dry looking to totally overflowing! If u can lift pot and tell its obv not holding a lot of water just do 1/3 or 1/2 distance between the 2 arrows and dont go up a full notch!
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