Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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My neighbor in S.America had a "burra" everybody called "María Casquete" (Mary of the dainty hooves). Early every morning she carried a load of fresh buns from the bakery in the city to sell door-to-door in the village. She allegedly also provided the first amorous experience for most of the village boys. They'd stand on a rock and scratch her spine and she'd back up to them. They'd put the end of her tail in a shirt pocket and... Sorry, too much information. My friend lost much sleep waiting up to throw hot water on boys who breached his cactus fence at night looking for María's attention.
but did the boys wear rubber boots? :crying:
Whew...finally caught up.
Lmao me too!
I'll be glad when we're done though, I've developed an eye twitch this week :face: also, scrubbing this adhesive off is taking *forever* but I'm making progress. Hoping to get it finished tonight (putting hubby on scrubbing duty when he gets home) so I can mop like 50 billion times and get all the residue up tomorrow (unless we somehow get to it tonight lol) so we can do the acid etch Monday. Kids only have school Monday and Tuesday next week and only dance on Tuesday so we'll have 5 days with them totally out of our hair to bust ass on getting stuff done. Want the floors done by the end of the week, cabinets installed would be fantastic. Still waiting on the sink base but staining the one last cabinet won't take long so we can at least get everything dry fit as long as the floor is done. Would sure love to not have all of the appliances in the hall any longer than absolutely necessary :rofl:
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