Thank you for taking the time to reply Aleks.
I think you may have mistakenly made a statement which isn't fact.
No harm no foul these things can happen but if you have mistakenly make a quote and it is not correct, I would ask you research it for yourself So you can be sure you give correct advice, if and when you are asked the same question again.
Here is a quote from - water is added to,distributes it through the substrate.
"When examined through a microscope one sees that coir fibers are made up of tiny hollow tubes. When water is added to dry coir, these tubes fill up rapidly and hold the water. When the tubes are full, no more water can be held, so excess water drains right through. This draining action sucks in oxygen from the air and distributes it through the substrate. In addition, coir is considered “hydrophoric”. The word hydrophoric comes from the Greek “hydrophoria” meaning “water carrier” and is the opposite of hydrophobic, which means “lacking affinity” for water. "
All substrates are subject to evaporation such as , soil, coco,clay pebbles, mineral wools, peat etc, this generally happens in a hot environment, such when using HID lights.
With the massive uptake of the new technology of LED lights, this high temp scenario has been lessened to quite a fair extent and grow room temps are now much easier to manage and as a result evaporation of substrates and transpiration through leaves has been lowered greatly.
AFN is known for its early adoption of LED Lights, when Autoflowers and LED's were new to the scene, AFN members were first there to try new things that the more stuck in the mud growers wouldn't even touch.
Those stuck in the mud grower hated autos and LED's but look where we are now, the AFN's knew what the future held!
Grow Northerns lights like the MS004 and The MS006 were filling the forums here when other forums were still mostly HID.
I know this because I was moderating a major seed company forum at the time and used to come here for Autoflower and LED news!
The biggest factor in the loss of moisture in a substrate is uptake bay the plant and then through transpiration of moisture through the stomata of the leaves.
Another for instance is clay pebbles, they hold more air than they do water, this oxygen is need by the roots to grow and as such the flood/drain rate is higher but it is still a system that works well.
I imagine that Growpito doesn't only hold water, it also has to hold oxygen or the roots would die.
Surface tension doesn't just exist in a tube scenario, surface tension plays a part in all substrates, or plants wouldn't be able to live in that substrate because the water would just flow out of the bottom of the pot (This can't happen because it defies physics) this is called adsorbtion, where moisture attaches to the phase .
Of course there is also absorbtion where the moisture is drawn in to the phase, which happens with organic matter in soil, for instance.
Once coco is saturated the remainder runs off.
All substrate have a critical saturation point.
Plants feed through osmosis, biological fact, they can also further feed through Mycorrhizal fungi which extends the root system & also uses osmosis.
I would also advise a word of caution when talking about other manufacturers and denigrating their products!
This can lead to legal action being taken if you denigrate them.
The way to sell a product is to give clear advice, promote it's features and provide a reason why the customer will benefit from your product!
To say negative things about another product, in order to make yours look better, is cheap and tacky.
I know this to be true as the sales team I worked in, was rated as world class and we learnt all about denigration as part of our training.
You say false things or damaging things about someone else's products, this is cause for being sued.
Stick to why your product is a fantastic product and stay away from bad mouthing products not made by your company.
Ask a solicitor and they will tell you the same, this is a much cheaper way of hearing it.
In the Art of War by Sun Tzu there is a line which says "
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle" this means know them as well as you know yourself and know their products as well as you know your own products.
This way you can give accurate information and in the case of Growpito, give information that doesn't denigrate the opposition but draws a factual comparison in the competing product.
You can mention comparisons but you can't put them down.
You also failed to mention that some Mapito contains PU polyeurathane, in fact this is what the original Mapito was made of.
You could of mentioned that and it wouldn't have been derogatory, if said in the correct manner, it would have actually strengthened your argument.
In recent times the move to coco cubes etc in mapito was probably to make the product more acceptable to consumers, who already know how well coco works and to remove what is increasing considered a toxic non-recyclable element.
I for one wouldn't want plastic foam in my grow medium.
I have also grown in rockwool and know it pluses and minuses, I no longer use it, this isn't to say I didn't grow nice plants, I just prefer coco.
I like coco and I don't think it is
gross in the slightest.
Are there any safety precautions when using Growpito like covering your arms, don't breathe in the dry dust, cover you mouth with a mask when working with the dry medium, don't rub your eyes, when working with the medium, & always wash your hands after working with the medium?
safety first in order to protect your customers, I'm sure you would agree.
I wish you and Growpito all the best and I'm sure your substrate will work wonderfully but advice & opinions given, need to run straight and true or we the users, will feel we aren't getting exactly what we are told!
Please consider the points I have made, it will help you sell your product , as long as due thought and consideration are taken.
I would hope you are of sufficient years not to take this personally, I want you and Growpito to succeed but always in the right manner!
If in doubt please show this to a senior member of your team before making any rash comments, as I realise that Ire can get the even the best of us at times.
I realise I have been very to the point but sometimes in life that is what has to be done or what would the point be?
I always put the members of AFN first and always will, as they deserve only the best!
Peace to you and have a great day.
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