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Good Morning all........those returning to work remember to ease into it...........don't want to strain yourself. And for those that have gotten over that work thing......PARTY ON!!!!! A little 3 Bear OG to start the day..... :pass:
Hey guys. Hope you are doing well and has the health with you ♥️ :bighug: :smokeout:

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The girls are doing fine 🇨🇦
A few days ago my 5 year old daughter came into the living room and started singing Shut your fucking face uncle fucker and a few other verses of Terrence & Phillip from South Park,
All I could do was laugh cos. I was really bombed,
Just thought I'd mention it as your flying your Canadian flag, she also said blame Canada
Morning Kittens. Still getting adjusted to the time change. Gotta do a town run for odds n ends and a bank deposit but it's a beautiful day so it's all good. Have to start in on the yard work I've been putting off this afternoon and of course the almost constant laundry load is washing now.
Hope a great day is had by all. :cooldance:
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