Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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You obviously have not been there? I highly recommend against it!


Whiteouts are for snow, blackouts are for booze, and greenouts are for weed. At least around here :pass:
I call it fishing out, cuz when you lose vision you usually flop like a fish on the ground
Tax return showed up today in my checking account!

Put it all towards the credit card, and then took the family out for a nice lunch.

New place opened about 20 miles away that specializes in smoked meats, and also just like home style cooking.

Fantastic food, but I emailed the owner and told him he needs to send his wait staff back to Denny's where they belong.
Waitress got our orders wrong, wrong salad dressing, wrong sides, wrong drinks (sweet instead of unsweet tea), brought the food out in bits and pieces from the kitchen instead of all at once, so one of my kids sat there with no food for like 5 minutes while the rest of us had been served. Didn't bring plates for our appetizer. And they just act like you are an inconvenience, like how dare I interrupt them surfing facebook on their phone.
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