Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Hi Mossy,I take it you're the owner of this website? Also what are points? Very few members have them even yourself for example. Thanks.
She is the Queen! Rep points are something another member gives you for help, reaction to amazing photo of plant , the plant(s) it/themselves, or for a comment. I don’t think mossy can receive them as she is a moderator/the Queen!
If I can grow a Perfectly formed Tric in 8 weeks...........................:eyebrows:...why Wait.........?

I'm not Interested in the rest of the plant..............I don't smoke it...............:pass:


It comes up approximately as often as the “AFN commune” discussion comes up….. annually, or there abouts :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass:
Ah yes, the commune… such nice pipe dreams… I am sure there is an abandoned town out there somewhere with perfect grow conditions, in a legal state…
She is the Queen! Rep points are something another member gives you for help, reaction to amazing photo of plant , the plant(s) it/themselves, or for a comment. I don’t think mossy can receive them as she is a moderator/the Queen!
She can receive Rep points….. :pass:
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