Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Does anyone know if there's a difference between promix hp in the loose bag vs the square bails?Can't find the smaller loose bag locally
Might be from a different batch or production facility. Should be, in theory the same…
Afternoon Kittens. Hope everyone's day is going smoothly. Had a no start on the car yesterday when we were going to her Dr's appntmnt and spent the day chasing it. Bad battery......but had to get a charge on it to start so I could measure alt. output, then just to check, I switched a couple relays to check the starter relay, waiting on SiL to get home was most of the time spent.
Does anyone know if there's a difference between promix hp in the loose bag vs the square bails?Can't find the smaller loose bag locally
No, they’re the same. Also, in a pinch, I’ve used the red small bails of promix from Walmart
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

I don't change the under sink carbon filter often enough, I noticed my water had the distinct taste of swamp water yesterday :yoinks: I put a new filter in this morning.

Haven't fed her anything other than water and used recharge 1 time. DLI is at 20. Using happy frog.
That might explain it, Recharge can make the nutrients in the pot too available if there was already enough. FFHF does not have the greatest quality control, and over the years I have witnessed many poor results. Yet on the other hand there have been a lot of good ones as well. I have seen enough bad ones that I personally would not use it.
Damn it @hecno !
You need to chill on selling/giving of your herbage to these guys!
These fuggers are crazy as hell!
Maybe pull back on the sativas a little bit.

Ha ha lol. I’ve watched the comps. Them fuggers are plain nuts… or is that normal behavior for aussies? Isn’t their national pastime drinking Foster’s Lager?
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