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:biggrin:Here’s one that @Twenty20 Adam gave me to share not sure if it’s still works if not tagging him I imagine he’ll get one for you :pighug::headbang:

View attachment 1663998
Nice! Thanks buddy. I'm going with an all Mendo Twenty20 outdoor crop this year. Snow G, Trainwreck arcata cut, Smell of success, Dirty Blonde and a couple auto's as well. Hoping for some huge trees this year.:biggrin:
Been sick for a week. Got up this morning and went to the walk in clinic. My left eardrum has burst from pressure. No infection, just lots of fluid. Chest hurts, head hurts. Everything hurts. Strep test was negative. Just a nasty upper respiratory illness.

Two sick days off work so far. Ugh.
You have to get super high for cleaning… then it’s not so bad :thumbsup::rofl:
Lmao i tend to go lil overboard on the dabs and smoke away all motivation to clean and then it gets put off to another day! :shrug::rofl:
The Dude sends his best hug for this awesome information!!!! Thanks so much auntie!! :bighug: :pass: View attachment 1663988
:crying: I'll try not to get dizzy showing you my newest CO2 generator then huh........?...............:coffee:..while I sip me coffee.......

View attachment 1663993

New fert tea...molasses...cucumber...full of silica...apparently....3 large aloe leaves.......

It'll take a while to start to ferment in these temps...but....I'm Ready................:pass:

View attachment 1663994

Actually, I think this could work. You got a cover for that, that is sealed?
Looks very good to me 🌱🫡

It should be enough CO2 as the volume/m3 is so small and you only need 700-1500ppms - depending on how much sun you have. You might even overdo it if it’s tight and nothing gets out.

Put the lid on and let me see, if you have the will for it. :headbang::cheers:
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