Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Popesicle - Day 14 :jointman:
All I need to know about Hochul in 1 picture.. she is part of the disaster policies. I'll stop here before I get fined a smoke break.
Lmao that usually gets people a temporary ban from this room not no smoke break fine! Luckily they usually will give u a warning 1st! ;)
On the upside, homegrows will be legal in NYS 18 months after the first NYS licensed dispo made their first sale. The first licensed dispo opened in NYC in December 2022. I did the math, and my grow can come out of the closet this June!
Autos might finish outside, but a photoperiod would never amount to anything. Not unless your an outlaw and start them way sooner than June… I’ll be doing my limit of prevegged photos. My wife, bless her soul, will be doing her limit in autos…
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