Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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So the bad luck keeps piling on, last night I hit a guy walking to his car in my work parking lot. He is ok, just some bumps and bruises. Im pretty shaken up about it still. Work is considering it a non work related injury which is surprising since it was on company property.

While I was turning out of my spot he stayed in line with the A frame of my car till it was to late to stop. Worst part is since I drive stick when my car stalled out it lurched forward and sent him off my car on his back. F'ing insane. Ive never come close to hitting a pedestrian before. Maybe this will get my job to put in some lighting in the lot, cuz theres none right now.
I just cannot believe you grow such beautiful plants through the winter :worship:

Cheers @Mañ'O'Green ...white rabbits ..white rabbits...... :biggrin: ........all down to mother nature providing reasonable weather....

You Shamed me into washing the new grill today.......... :biggrin: .....I've meen meaning to for a while...but the weather has been a bit crap for it.......:headbang:
So the bad luck keeps piling on, last night I hit a guy walking to his car in my work parking lot. He is ok, just some bumps and bruises. Im pretty shaken up about it still. Work is considering it a non work related injury which is surprising since it was on company property.

While I was turning out of my spot he stayed in line with the A frame of my car till it was to late to stop. Worst part is since I drive stick when my car stalled out it lurched forward and sent him off my car on his back. F'ing insane. Ive never come close to hitting a pedestrian before. Maybe this will get my job to put in some lighting in the lot, cuz theres none right now.

Lucky man. If it had been a work related one they would have pee tested you most likely.
What a shitty horrible day. Its been like 34* and sleeting all day.

I can see down into the little hole in the rapid rooter that my RQS Blue Cheese has popped open. But I know better than to futz with it, I just need to be patient. My Orange Diesel has until the Blue Cheese is ready to go in a DWC reservoir to finish itself up. I spotted a few amber trichomes today, so it should be more than good in a few days.

I'm excited about that Orange Diesel plant.


This is probably the nicest looking plant I've managed to grow. I've grown bigger. But this one just has nothing but big solid colas all the way around. I think I finally have my trimming technique on lock down.
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