Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Stop worrying about the color, it has the most minor effect on quality that most peeps would never know the difference in a blind taste test. The dark color is from oxidation of the waxes and oils in the aging bud.

The lightest rosin you can get is from fresh freeze dried bud, next is just dried not cured bud and anything after that will have more color. I dab it all and they all get me high!

Working with rosin is a learned skill set, picking up the perfect size dab is just luck.

Some strains will only pick up off the oil slick others will work fine off of less slippery paper and some defy being picked up no matter the paper or the temperature.

Be careful with frozen rosin, it can SHATER and explode all over the place. I have lost more than a little bit over the years even when expecting it :yoinks:

I quote step brothers so much.

I say that shit to my kids.

"We're men. We like to shit with the door open. Make our beef jerky. Go on riverboat gambling trips."

My girls will need to see a therapist later in life, thats for sure.
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