Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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We do get delicious fresh orange over here. :biggrin: ......I'm watching the farmerss field now....when he harvest he always gives us a sackful.......:biggrin:

I’m not jealous…..

My eyes tells me to watch out for mold, and I like to go with my gut-feeling.

Me too... :pass: ....I can't tell you how many Years it has been since I got bud rot...I'd say over 10..but.... you never say never.

Or Mother Nature comes and Bitch Slaps you...........:crying:....

This time of year is harvest time....and if you go to a place with fresh juiced oranges they have quite a Bite....sweet and slightly bitter.....which is how I Like them.....
but..the cafes serve them with a sachet of sugar........which I Think is weird....:biggrin:...why corrupt something so delicious by adding sugar.......:headbang:
This time of year is harvest time....and if you go to a place with fresh juiced oranges they have quite a Bite....sweet and slightly bitter.....which is how I Like them.....
but..the cafes serve them with a sachet of sugar........which I Think is weird....:biggrin:...why corrupt something so delicious by adding sugar.......:headbang:

I’ll head down when the weather is better. I will do a flight from Canada then rent a vehicle to do a car-trip to visit Amsterdam as well 💚😍

I used to love driving night-time, get to the location at the morning, rest then do the town and go to a party at night.

But here we are talking about fresh orange-juice 🤣

I had a look at the island west of Portugal. It seems like a nice place to live, can’t really remember the name of it.

Damn it, sold a “boat” last spring….! Crap, but still, everything was running and you could sleep in it.



And i got it for free from some dude with cash who bought a fancy boat instead of this garbage.
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lol you can do your pressure point. Then ill get the knees. Win win we are both happy. :pighug:
We could talk about a nice sharp scalpel and rock salt, but that's really only relegated to pedophiles and POS CIA spooks...................... A particular spook in mind, but that bastard has to be dead by now!
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