On the breeding etiquette.....we are All rippers...with a small r...coz None of us Invented cannabis....

...we are all simply reworking someone elses work.......
there is a Big Difference between a home breeder who wants a few seed for themselves.....and someone who wants to breed to sell.
I don't think anyone objects to home breeders......

....you buy a packet...up to you...
if you are breeding for resale ...and try to sell F1's off someone elses seed...or plain reproduction....you are a RIPPER.
And...I know people buy by price...and it is good to get cheap seed......but would you trust your payments/address to someone you Know has already declared they are a Ripper.........?.....untrustworthy anyone...
If you have the breeders permission to breed with them...knock yourself out........
if you don't...or can't.. the way I was Taught is that you must Intrinsically change something in it.
And that takes a minimum of 4 generations for you to hybrid something different and stable out.
Easier to Understand if we say Deep Chunk was a photoperiod plant....I put it to auto....and changed it from a photo to an Auto.......so I Changed it...I did the generational work...

..it was Mine...
{but I had permission ..and I always give credit to Tom Hill for the deep chunk because she is Special... }
Or...if you are an unscrupulous breeder....you just buy a pack of a rivals best seller and repro them...it Does happen....