Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Last dozen times i went to Home Depot it was like finding carmen sandiego trying to hunt down an employee to help me! It was incredibly annoying and if i remember correctly i had to just use the app to locate what i needed cuz i got tired of walking in circles looking for an orange aproned idiot to help me!
I was just there and dont bother asking them. I was after sum 2x4ers and they store there wood inside. I was like hell yeah dont have to go out in the bitter ass cold to get it. Just load it in the van which really would probably be about the same if it was outside. And on top that I got 2 sizes of wood the dumb ass cashier rang it up as all 8 footers. When I had half 8 and half 7 which is like 75 cents less a board. Took him 3 times ringing it up to get it right then hes like you only saved 7 bucks or some shit. Like fuck you buddy give me my 7 bucks and learn how to do your job right this wouldnt be an issue. Dick
I was just there and dont bother asking them. I was after sum 2x4ers and they store there wood inside. I was like hell yeah dont have to go out in the bitter ass cold to get it. Just load it in the van which really would probably be about the same if it was outside. And on top that I got 2 sizes of wood the dumb ass cashier rang it up as all 8 footers. When I had half 8 and half 7 which is like 75 cents less a board. Took him 3 times ringing it up to get it right then hes like you only saved 7 bucks or some shit. Like fuck you buddy give me my 7 bucks and learn how to do your job right this wouldnt be an issue. Dick

Ah man I gotta find this video that just went viral from here in Lincoln, NE; this dude at one of the local Home Depot's just LOST HIS SHIT, got in a bobcat, and fucking DESTROYED like 7 cars and a police cruiser :rofl: Officer pulled his gun on the driver and the bobcat scooted off right away lol. They got the guy; apparently he's a pretty well-put together dude from what I've heard; not sure if it was a mental break or his old lady cheating on him or what, but it just happened this last weekend.
Hell Yeah





Oh dude that's just the beginning he's got video for everything we talked about today. My co worker turned me on to the show not that long ago and now I watch it weekly :headbang:
Ill be watching. I was talking at lunch about this shit and a coworker said something about it to me as well. But you told me first. So I herd it from you. Hes kinda a douche.
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