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The first week I had the new bike I was driving down the street home and thought I’d cut through the neighbors drive and pop a wheelie off the curb into my front yard. I popped the wheelie and ran right into the big mimosa tree in the yard. Lol

@WildBill :biggrin: I was a dumbass kid for sure. lol. Too much Evil Knievel exposure in the 70s. @Mara Cachafa thx for the reps! Amazing I survived my youth.
Yeah, Evil Knievel was influence over me also!
We had Little Lake lot that we put our RV on when I was a kid. At this community we had two boat docks but one was almost never used because it was way too steep. The entire boat ramp was steep. It had a nice little Pier going out into the lake.
One of my little projects was to build a ramp onto the pier and then a ramp off the pier. I was a bike hoarder! I had all sorts of bike and bike parts. So I made up a 'lake bike' out of trash parts. I tied a long heavy duty string to the bike and a boat bumper .

We were holding contests of who could jump their bike the furtherest out into the lake!:biggrin::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
At one point we got so good we were jumping further out into the lake, but that meant the bike went into a pretty deep hole and the bumper would not keep the bike afloat. I had that covered with my goggles, snorkel and flippers! I had to start bringing that with us when we went to have fun at the boat dock! :cools:

We had that set up there for two summers! Then some asshole complained. On the rare occasion that someone used that ramp, we always got out of the way and waited until they were finished.

That was OK! We had another fun spot picked out the following summer and we could ride our bikes there to it from our house..... about 10 miles. The City Lake had a pump station out into the lake. The pumps were quite high out of the water and there was a simple building with a flat roof enclosing them. There was a catwalk leading out to the pump station with railings surrounding it and then surrounding the area around the building. On one side of the building we built a wooden ladder leading to the roof and then we laid up plywood on top of the roof and secured it along with covering it with some junk carpet.
So we had us a nice little diving platform! I really don't know how far it was but at 12 or 13 years old, it looked pretty damn far!
At first, we just jumped off! It took some triple dog dares to get someone to dive off head first!:grin::haha::haha::haha:
None of us had much of any kind of diving experience, just diving a off simple pool board.:pop:

So I was the first one to dive off. I kind of wish I would have known I needed to have my hands in front of me and over my head to help part the water.:face::haha:

My hands were in front of me, but it was like Superman flying! Right straight out in front of me!

I knocked myself silly and I did go pretty deep! It got cold!:funny:

The cold was good because it brought me around to realize where I was at!:funny:

That's when I thought about when I was watching the Olympics in the diving competition and I realized where I messed up!:funny:
But that's OK! And it's very excusable! That was the second time I got high!:bong::biker:

It's a shame kids nowadays don't know how to have fun!Bluestruttin:funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny:
There was also a railroad trestle not too far from my house. It was just a tiny little bridge. We built earthen ramps and jumped our bikes. That was a bunch of crashes and skint knees! Also a bunch of wire wheels suffered the consequences from repeated jumps! :face::haha:
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