Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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That was my worry.My plan was to to do a few clicks over a period of a couple days and play it by ear.Thanks for the help. Oh I get it you super crop a little beforehand.Good thinking.

Just be careful go slow it will happen in one maybe two clicks :toke::goodluck:
I do like them but yes easy to fuck up if the branches are stiff work them little bit where the clip is going to go. I had one snap a branch I put it on and just ratcheted it over :eek1::nono: So now I work the section slightly and after each click slide the clip up and down so it's not bending all in one location. Besides that I love them I just set them and forgot them. I love not having wires around the pot while messing with the covers:headbang:

Scratch that found a couple broke ones might be more I just didn’t notice in the first two plants. This was their first grow. Won’t be buying any more if they all break
Looks like I can buy sassafras root already cut and dried.

Pros: Will save me time measured in years
Cons: It's from etsy. Not sure what I am actually getting.

That it is legal to buy it at all is somewhat encouraging. I guess you just can't use it to make food or sell food with it as an ingredient.

I've seen a video by someone who made their own root beer with the actual root. Looks easy enough - or at least something that can easily tuned as more is made. Won't really be a "vintage" element to it though. (shrugging emoji here)

I've bought various herbs from this place. They have sassafras and sarsaparilla:
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