Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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It's doing pretty good so far. Been trying it for pain relief but it hasn't worked so well for that.
Afternoon :bighug:... #SharingOne

he ramp up, peak and plateau not much relief but the afterglow section let's me feel mostly normal with only occasional tinges

Normal is Good....... :pass: ...I use cannabis to feel Normal......

Getting High is an occupational hazzard...................:zen:..that I Happen to Enjoy........
...I use cannabis to feel Normal......
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I crave chocolate milk... a lot... My cravings have been for months... I dream about food, smell things that aren't there... Pineapple... Almost always. And steak

I Believe every other creature in the world have the ability to Self Medicate.....

If we are in Tune with our bodies....they will Tell us what we keep Well...high protein...amino acids..and magnesium from the chocolate sounds like a body wanting to Fix itself me..........


I must have a hell of a magnesium deficiency........:crisps:
Good morning everyone :pass:

Afternoon @Frankthetank :pighug: .. What Got you last night..........?

I was reading through and saw you swinging off the chandliers....I had High Envy.......

Musta been good stuff......I Wondered if it was your Own Grown..........:pass:
I Believe every other creature in the world have the ability to Self Medicate.....

If we are in Tune with our bodies....they will Tell us what we keep Well...high protein...amino acids..and magnesium from the chocolate sounds like a body wanting to Fix itself me..........

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I must have a hell of a magnesium deficiency........:crisps:
I very much agree. Like when you eat a meal your body tells you when you had enough of each portion if you listen. Except sugar... Pretty sure our bodies trained our tongues to max that shit :crying:
I realize now how much ive always used food as my go to for comfort. Think a lot of why bad shit bothers me less was always having a bag of sour gummies near by, or chocolate, or pastries
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