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@N/A-Greengo :rofl:

Is this Nasa's reasoning? Or is it possible that we aren't on a spinning ball? Cause that would make sense if the earth wasn't spinning, wobbling and "hurling through space".

As scary as it is to think that we are a tiny speck of dust in a solar system, within a backwater galaxy, in the middle of nowhere. The earth is spinning, hurtling around the sun, the sun is also traveling something like 250kph as the galaxy rotates, and the galaxy itself is moving, in fact we're going to collide with the Andromeda galaxy in a few million years. There are likely tons of other alien species out there we've not ran into, and its going to be like us meeting ants when it happens, we're gonna get fucked up.

Thats scary.

But you know what would be even scarier to me?

The idea that the math, chemistry, physics, all of that that I can actually understand is all just bullshit, and there is some sort of god who engineered this place. Just for us.

Thats fucking scary, man. That means we actually are expected to do something. There are expectations. If this was setup just for us, there is a reason why. And I don't know if I want to know that reason.

I'd rather think this is all just happenstance.
I never said I trust NASA.

But what you can do is go make a directional yagi antenna for a ham radio, and talk to an astronaut by pointing that antenna at the international space station, as it orbits the earth.

Thats enough proof for me.
Talk to astronauts? Aka talk to the government and do what, Ask them if the earth is flat? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Have you done this yourself or just seen YouTube videos of it..
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