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You know, pain does an interesting thing. It definitely lets you know that you are alive!

I didn't notice it initially, but they are probably running from that large dorsal fin in the background!

The pic reminded me of when I lived in Maui. Guy I worked with at the Hard Rock was a triathlete. We would be at the bars until 4 and had to be at work at 10. That guy would have run 10 moles or ridden 50 a bike miles before work. Meanwhile Im hurlin in the bushes when he pulls up :haha:
Mornin Frank! :pass:

Not a FB fan, but really liked that Tangie. Great energy buzz. Clear headed so it's a nice get shit done smoke. Plants got huge too. 12 zips off one and 8 on the other. I usually average around 4 -5. Buds were really pretty too. Will see if I can find some pics later today
Now you're making me want to do my Crockett Tangie BX PHOTO REG on this run !:eyebrows:
I really can't do that on this run because of trying to make seeds with my Asian haze. I don't want to end up with some Tangie Asian or a Hazy Crockett ...................... At least not of my picking!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:

What would you guys think about a Hazy Crockett?

Ohh wait! That's kind of what RUCU CUCU is. It's a tangy with an OG Haze cross.
That will definitely have to wait for a next run! That could be pretty interesting!
popped a few beans yesterday into soil in some solo cups.

Mandarin Fuel. I had popped 2 seeds last week, both germinated and had a little root poking out and then just stopped there. Started another 3, hoping for better results. Its from a breeder called "Urban Legends". A member here sent me 8 reg seeds they had. I will be saving any pollen I get from males, I'd like to cross it with the Orange Diesel I have.

Orange Diesel x Stone Dragon - I was shocked at how fast these germinated, I put them in a damp paper towel overnight and 2 out of 3 already had germinated and had a root poking out, so I put them in coco/soil mix. The Orange Diesel parent I grew was enormous, I got 7 ounces dry off of it. I am hoping adding the Stone Dragon to it adds more purples and stuff, more anthocyanins without reducing the size of the plant too much.

Using my 2x2 garden tent, plenty of space as long as I keep everything in solo cups. I've got a couple sweet peppers that have sprouted too.
Pro tip - Drink a pot of coffee and then hang the fuck on.

Or at least thats me.
I guess I've been pretty lucky in life and being regular as clockwork. I know that's a combination of eating habits, but it's also partly regimental. As little bitty stinker, I always got up with my Dad.
Like clockwork, he would go fix the coffee and plug in the percolator, whiz, wash his face and shave. By the time all that is done, the coffee is ready! He then gather his newspaper and with his Coffee Cup he would head back to the 'library' and do his 'duty',

And that's how I was potty-trained! I had my own little cup with my milk/coffee and I had my own little private potty. :grin::biggrin:

No better training than leading by example! :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
I guess I've been pretty lucky in life and being regular as clockwork. I know that's a combination of eating habits, but it's also partly regimental. As little bitty stinker, I always got up with my Dad.
Like clockwork, he would go fix the coffee and plug in the percolator, whiz, wash his face and shave. By the time all that is done, the coffee is ready! He then gather his newspaper and with his Coffee Cup he would head back to the 'library' and do his 'duty',

And that's how I was potty-trained! I had my own little cup with my milk/coffee and I had my own little private potty. :grin::biggrin:

No better training than leading by example! :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:

I'm on metformin. I shit about 10x a day. It sucks.
I guess I've been pretty lucky in life and being regular as clockwork. I know that's a combination of eating habits, but it's also partly regimental. As little bitty stinker, I always got up with my Dad.
Like clockwork, he would go fix the coffee and plug in the percolator, whiz, wash his face and shave. By the time all that is done, the coffee is ready! He then gather his newspaper and with his Coffee Cup he would head back to the 'library' and do his 'duty',

And that's how I was potty-trained! I had my own little cup with my milk/coffee and I had my own little private potty. :grin::biggrin:

No better training than leading by example! :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:
I got sent to "Camp Hazen" YMCA camp for a couple of summers. There was a KYBO clipboard on the wall outside the toilet house. We had to sign it every time we took a dump. KYBO = "keep your bowels open"
Have you tried using a little Yucca powder in your res? It will help keep drippers clean. I have tried many different dripper types and have had problems with most of them. I always use 2 drippers per plant now in case one gets clogged. I used a new type for my recent solo cup and they did not have any troubles even with kelp in the reservoir. I will be using them in my next full grow. The organic inputs you are using will grow biofilm and sludge right in the lines and filter, clogging them. Been there done that!

I got them online at Drip Depot. I am running an 1150GPH pump for 12 drippers now.
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I have been using MC a long time and several different batches and I have never had a problem with it fully dissolving? I always mix part A in a cup of warm water before adding to the reservoir. I do the same with part B and all of my nutrients in different cups. I do add Silica directly to the res an hour before anything else. Organics is a totally different animal - literally. :crying:

The problem may not have anything to do with the parts you are considering. I had the vacuum control on an automatic transmission cause the same behavior you describe, no where near the throttle body. Why don't you just take it to a real mechanic and get it fixed? Don't say money because the way you are going now it is likely to be much more expensive.
Thank you @Mañ'O'Green i forgot to mention that I am using Botanicare Hydroguard as well. In retrospect after hearing from you @JP1 ,@Fermented_Fruitz ,@Lil Dab a greater volume pump and emmiters are needed. I understand now the difference of an open system vs a closed system. I agree with all that emitters are needed for the Disc Filter to work properly. The open system is working atm without the filter. I am confident I will get these girls to the finish line now that I have a better understanding of wtf I am trying to do. @Mañ'O'Green i will use info to upgrade my current system :thanks::pass:
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