Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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I didn’t realize both those sensors (not MAF other 2) attach directly onto the throttle body and since it was mad dirty with carbon deposits i need to figure out if the guy that cleaned throttle body actually removed those sensors and cleaned them too or if he just cleaned out the throttle body itself and then reattached it! Need to figure out if i can get to those sensors without removing whole thing cuz if not will have to replace both just so i don’t need to keep replacing the gasket! Really don’t wanna tow it to a dealership tho and i would assume if one of those sensors was bad it would throw the check engine light which it hadn’t til I disconnected MAF with car running which is what made me suspect a vacuum leak! Assumed it may be ok at idle but once u start pressing gas pedal it allows too much air to get sucked in once under higher pressure!
TPS sensors usually go bad at the speed they are at the most potentiometer plastic parts :toke:
that meanz no store runz for milk dudz! :yoinks: :yoinks: ppp
Nonsense! Putting the outstanding tolls on a payment plan tomorrow and then i can finally go register my ford focus! Been sitting for 3yrs cuz sister ran up tolls so high I couldn’t get it registered! I do need to go get a few gas cans of premium unleaded since gas is almost empty and sat a while! Then i can safely start it and go fill it up and add some rubbing alcohol to evaporate any water out the gas!
Ya I already figured that part out and totally pulled sensor earlier! Looked clean to me but didn’t have MAF sensor cleaner and didn’t wanna just use another cleaner on it I wasn’t sure about! I have throttle body cleaner I know that! Gotta see what others i have if another would be fine to use!

I did some quick googling - you made a good choice. Apparently MAF cleaner is more gentle, throttle body cleaner is too harsh and can mess up the little wires in the MAF.

I'd see if you can get some of the right cleaner and clean all those sensors that you can.

You can also ohm the MAF sensor with a multimeter, it should be between 200 and 600 ohms, if its open or super high resistance, may be a bad sensor.
I am using an air pump with two large stones that are on 24/7. Wave maker sounds interesting will have to research:thanks:

Wow good for you @Lil Dab thank you for your input, I am very confused with my setup, I disolve the nutrients in very warm water, stir insanely crazy at initial res filling and at every time I put anything into the reservoir. I have even removed every disc when cleaning and played with the discs by slightly loosening to allow more flow. I am using original MC, fish shit, kelp, silica, and therm x as a wetting agent. My tap water is 425 ppm’s, so I am using a combo of tap water, rain water , and ro. My pump is the Eco 396 that came with the 8 plant kit from Flora Flex. I am not using any emitters just straight tubing. I am using the air bleeding system from Flora Flex. System is working perfect without the fricken filter. Maybe I don’t need the damn thing, wondering why I even bought it.:shrug::pass::bighug:

How big of pump are you using? I run 800gph 100watt pumps. From here it sounds like you need more pressure if removing the disc makes it work to push through the disc
You get new gas lately? Just a thought

ooof, I had that happen once. Used to be these shitty gas stations where I went to college called Busters Bi-Lo. They only took cash, and would round to the closest $1, and they pumped your gas for you. Super aggressive assholes, too. But they were always 10-15 cents cheaper than anywhere else.

They ended up going out of business because they kept selling shitty gas, and eventually fucked up a whole bunch of peoples cars and couldn't afford to pay out.
ford focus!

I couldn’t drive it anywhere thats for sure! Can barely get to 15mph before its sputtering and being a pain in the ass!
Quickest thing to rule out will be good ahead and use that brake clean around that gasketed area. Pay attention to how long it takes to rev up to be able to pinpoint the area where it's leaking. Is further away and the cleaner gets in the hole it will take longer for the RPM to come up so you have to look in a different area than you were spraying it on. If the leak is where your spraying it will immediately jump up
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